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Table 9.3

Reported Deaths and Annual Death Rates Per 1,000 Patient-Years at Risk, 2000 to 2009

Liver Waiting List

Blood Type Year
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Total Patients 23,366 25,483 26,086 25,655 26,305 26,545 26,660 26,471 26,370 25,912
Deaths 2,018 2,328 2,162 2,094 2,165 2,142 1,990 1,829 1,787 1,723
Rate 136.2 137.9 129.9 128.7 131.3 130.2 122.4 114.4 114.2 113.1
A Patients 8,484 9,199 9,328 9,199 9,606 9,782 9,818 9,796 9,759 9,521
Deaths 666 803 725 738 779 798 711 689 705 608
Rate 127.8 134.2 123.8 127.2 130.1 132.6 119.7 116.7 122.3 108.8
AB Patients 716 821 849 804 797 811 857 827 736 746
Deaths 65 59 53 66 54 41 41 43 37 49
Rate 161.9 125.4 115.0 149.9 129.4 97.8 96.5 104.5 98.9 137.8
B Patients 2,704 3,007 3,065 3,031 3,104 3,067 3,096 3,130 3,202 3,166
Deaths 238 277 273 230 223 223 216 192 175 182
Rate 143.7 144.2 144.2 123.6 120.7 119.4 117.1 102.9 94.6 99.5
O Patients 11,462 12,456 12,844 12,621 12,798 12,885 12,889 12,718 12,673 12,479
Deaths 1,049 1,189 1,111 1,060 1,109 1,080 1,022 905 870 884
Rate 139.0 139.7 131.7 129.7 134.7 132.6 126.9 115.9 113.6 118.4

Source: OPTN/SRTR Data as of October 1, 2010.

Patients alive on the waiting list at any time during the year are counted. Period at risk begins

the later of January 1 or waiting list registration and ends on the earlier of December 31,

date of death, or date of removal for other reasons. Please see Technical Notes for further details about death rate computation.

(-) = None in category.

(*) = For cohorts with fewer than 10 patients, rates are imprecise and are not reported.