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OPTN/SRTR 2017 Annual Data Report: Kidney


Many positive trends in kidney transplantation were notable in 2017. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates and counts continued to rise, the kidney transplant waiting list declined for the third year in a row after decades of growth, and both short- and long-term allograft survival continued to improve year over year. In total, more than 220,000 patients were living in the United States with a functioning allograft. With 3 years of data available since implementation of the new kidney allocation system, better prediction of longer-term results of the allocation policy changes became possible. The data also reveal several areas in need of improvement and attention. Overall, the challenge of providing adequate access to kidney transplant persisted nationally, with additional dramatic regional variation. The proportion of living donor kidney transplants in both adults and children continued to fall, and racial disparities in living donor kidney transplant grew in the past decade.


The 2017 Annual Data Report kidney chapter is an opportunity to examine long-term trends in kidney transplantation, as well as short-term changes since implementation of the new kidney allocation system (KAS) in late 2014. Three years of data since KAS implementation allows us to highlight where the kidney transplant community should focus its attention toward ongoing improvement in access, equity, and outcomes in kidney transplantation. The 2017 data show continuing gains in short- and long-term unadjusted allograft survival. The number of adult patients on the waiting list declined for the third year in a row after decades of consistent growth, with a parallel increase in deceased donor kidney transplants. Likewise, the number of deceased donor transplants increased for pediatric candidates, after nearly a decade of stagnation. Pediatric patients continue to experience an overall high rate of deceased donor transplant compared with adults. Short- and long-term outcomes also continued to improve.

However, geographic disparities in access to kidney transplant remained evident, as did racial disparities in living donor kidney transplant and in both living and deceased donor allograft survival. The proportion of adults and children undergoing living donor kidney transplants continued to fall, despite nearly 9000 people either dying or being removed from the waiting list due to deteriorating condition annually. Unlike the adult waiting list, the pediatric waiting list continued to grow, and the deceased donor transplant rate has declined in the past decade, but remains high compared with the rate for adults. Highly sensitized pediatric patients experience nearly the same deceased donor transplant rate as highly sensitized adults, in contrast to other demographic comparisons. As with adults, living donor transplant also declined as a proportion of pediatric kidney transplant.

In summary, the 2017 data show ongoing successes and opportunities to improve as the transplant community continues to work to improve access and outcomes for patients with end-stage kidney disease.

Adult Kidney Transplant

Waiting List

For the third year in a row, after a peak of nearly 100,000 in 2014, the number of patients on the kidney transplant waiting list fell to 92,685 in 2017 (Figure KI 2). Unlike in 2015, when numbers of prevalent inactive candidate decreased but numbers of prevalent active candidates increased, both numbers decreased in 2017. In total, 30,918 adult candidates were added to the list, and 33,891 were removed (Table KI 5). Deceased donor transplants increased from 13,501 in 2016 to 14,077 in 2017 (Table KI 6). The number of new inactive listings continued to trend down since the new KAS, which eliminated the utility of listing as inactive for candidates already on dialysis and undergoing pretransplant workups (Figure KI 1); however, incomplete workup remained the cited reason for inactive listing for nearly two-thirds of new patients on the list (Table KI 1). Unfortunately, death or deteriorating medical condition remained common reasons for removal from the list, accounting for more than a quarter of removals, and reflecting the ongoing organ shortage despite gains in numbers of deceased donor transplants (Table KI 6). Removals for other reasons were also frequent at more than 13.4% of all removals; more specific data on the reasons for removal may be warranted to ensure that clinically relevant trends are not missed.

Determining racial, sex, and geographic disparities in access to the waiting list is difficult given limited data on the proportions of patients in the United States with advanced chronic kidney disease. However, trends in the characteristics are interesting. The proportion of patients aged 65 years or older continued to increase, from 16.2% in 2007 to 23.1% in 2017 (Table KI 2, Figure KI 3). Men continued to outnumber women at 61.1% of the list, a generally stable or slightly increased proportion over more than 10 years. While overall the racial composition changed little, Hispanic patients have comprised a slowly but steadily increasing proportion, more than 20% of the list in 2017 (Figure KI 5, Table KI 2). Proportions of waitlisted candidates with calculated panel-reactive antibodies (cPRA) 98%-100% continued to decline, from 9.4% in 2013 to 8.2% in 2016 and 7.2% in 2017, after increasing annually prior to 2014. This trend likely reflects more transplants for these candidates under the new KAS (Figure KI 8, Table KI 3). Diabetes as a cause of kidney disease continued to increase, to 37.1% of waitlisted candidates (Table KI 3, Figure KI 6). Despite candidates becoming increasingly older with higher prevalence of diabetes and longer dialysis duration, a concerning post-KAS trend was decreasing proportions willing to accept high-kidney-donor-profile-index (KDPI) kidneys, from 49.9% in 2014 to 45.1% in 2017 (Figure KI 10); these proportions had been increasing prior to KAS. The decline was even more dramatic among candidates aged 65 years or older, from 66.9% in 2011 to 59.8% in 2017 (Figure KI 11). The proportion of candidates with at least one prior kidney transplant also declined, from 16.3% on December 31, 2007 to 12.1% in on December 31, 2017 (Table KI 4).

Time on the waiting list showed interesting post-KAS trends in addition to concerning long-term trends. Overall, waiting time increased, with a linear increase in the number of candidates waiting for 5 or more years (Figure KI 7). Given the increased risk of allograft loss with higher waiting time, this trend may slow gains in long-term allograft survival. More than 20% of listed candidates had been on dialysis for at least 6 years before their most recent listing (Figure KI 9). Conversely, the proportion of candidates on the list for less than 1 year decreased post-KAS, possibly reflecting credit for time on dialysis prior to listing.

Deceased donor transplant rates, or transplants per 100 waitlist-years, increased for all patients across age, race, and blood type, but a few notable trends post-KAS warrant discussion. The deceased donor transplant rate increased dramatically for candidates with cPRA 98%-100% in the first year post-KAS, but then leveled off as rates increased for all other cPRA groups (Figure KI 15). After an initially large increase in 2015 for candidates aged 18-34 years, increases since then have been similar to increases for all other age groups (Figure KI 12). Rates for candidates listed for less than 1 year increased markedly after 2014, again likely reflecting more transplants for newly listed candidates who had been on dialysis for many years (Figure KI 17). Finally, while transplant rates remained slightly lower for candidates living in metropolitan vs. nonmetropolitan zip codes (Figure KI 18), rates were lower overall for candidates living 150-<250 nautical miles (NM) from their transplant programs, compared with candidates living either closer than 150NM or 250 NM or further away (Figure KI 19).

Median time to transplant for kidney transplant candidates has not been calculable for more than a decade because half the list had not undergone transplant; as of 2017, only 47.0% of candidates who listed in 2007 had undergone transplant (Figure KI 21). Nationally, for candidates listed in 2014, 42.4% were still waiting in 2017; 21.9% underwent deceased donor transplant, 14.9% underwent living donor transplant, 8.1% died, and 12.7% were removed from the list for other reasons (Figure KI 20). The percentage of patients who underwent deceased donor transplant within 5 years varied from 10.2% to 80.3% across donation service areas (DSAs) (Figure KI 22); waitlist mortality rates also varied, ranging from 1.4 to 9.4 per 100 patient-years across DSAs (Figure KI 29). Overall and by age, race, and diagnosis, mortality rates for listed patients generally decreased over the past 10 years (Figure KI 24, Figure KI 25, Figure KI 26, Figure KI 27, Figure KI 28).

Deceased Donation

Data from 2017 show overall continued increases in numbers of deceased donors, particularly those aged 18-34 years (Figure KI 32, Figure KI 33). Anoxia has surpassed head trauma as the most common cause of donor death (Figure KI 48), likely reflecting the opioid crisis. In 2017, 18.9% of kidneys were discarded, i.e., recovered for transplant and not transplanted (Figure KI 37). Discard rates remained higher for older donors (Figure KI 36) and donors with diabetes (Figure KI 37), but were similar for Public Health Service increased and non-increased risk kidneys (Figure KI 42). Implementation of the new KAS raised concerns about increasing discard rates due to increased geographic sharing and longer cold ischemia times. While the rate of discards appeared to be increasing for the 2 years post-KAS for donors aged 65 years or older or with diabetes (Figure KI 36, Figure KI 37), 2017 rates were similar to 2016 rates. However, the discard rate for high-KDPI (>85%) kidneys appeared to trend upward from 2013 to 2015, then remained flat through 2017 (Figure KI 44).

The discard rate for biopsied kidneys remained markedly higher than the rate for non-biopsied kidneys; nearly one-third of biopsied kidneys were discarded over the past decade (Figure KI 40). While the overall kidney donor risk index (KDRI) for biopsied kidneys was higher than for non-biopsied kidneys, it declined for biopsied kidneys over the past 10 years, from 1.67 in 2006 to 1.52 in 2017 (Figure KI 47), with a relatively stable rate of discard, suggesting that kidneys discarded based on biopsy could have benefitted some listed candidates. Of similar concern is an ongoing trend toward decreasing KDRI of discarded kidneys (Figure KI 46), a possible unintended consequence of clinical use of KDPI rather than KDRI; KDPI assigns a percentile score of 0-100 based on the previous years’ recovered donor kidneys, which can result in drift. Specifically, if recovery practice nationwide becomes more conservative due to the previous year’s discards, the KDRI of a kidney with KDPI above 85 will be lower than in the prior year.

Living Donation

The total number of living donor transplants, in adults and children, has remained flat since 2011, and represents a declining proportion of all kidney transplants (Figure KI 57). Unrelated and paired donations increased, but related donations declined (Figure KI 49). Living donors have become progressively older, possibly due to concern about long-term risks for younger donors, and female donors continued to outnumber male donors (Figure KI 50, Figure KI 51). The proportion of black living donors declined from 12.6% in 2006 to 8.8% in 2017 (Figure KI 52). The extent of this decrease due to medical contraindications or psychosocial barriers needs further study. Proportions of post-donation complications including readmission at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year were 5.4%, 7.4%, and 8.9%, respectively. However, complication rates at only 12 months were unknown for 11.3% of donors (Figure KI 55), illustrating the need to better ascertain living donor outcomes.

Kidney Transplants

The total number of kidney transplants rose notably in 2016 and 2017. This gain was almost entirely attributable to an increase in deceased donor transplants, as living donor transplants were essentially flat (Figure KI 57). The increase in transplants occurred across most levels of age, sex, race/ethnicity, and diagnosis groups (Figure KI 58, Figure KI 59, Figure KI 60, Figure KI 61). Although deceased-donor transplants among black and Hispanic patients increased notably post-KAS and approached rates for white patients, the rate of increase from 2016 to 2017 was less than the rate of increase for white recipients (Figure KI 13). Encouragingly, numbers of transplant recipients among minority candidates remained higher than pre-KAS (Figure KI 60). Similarly, while transplant rates in patients aged 65 years or older decreased immediately post-KAS, rates have since increased along with those for other age groups (Figure KI 12). However, disparity in access to living donation persists; only 12.5% of living donor kidney transplants in 2017 were performed in black recipients (Table KI 8), while 32.6% of candidates in 2017 were black (Table KI 2). In contrast, 65.9% of transplant recipients were white, though they made up only 36.2% of the waiting list.

Similar to 2016, 43.2% of deceased donor recipients had been on dialysis for at least 5 years, compared with 12.4% of living donor recipients, in 2017. Conversely, the proportion of deceased donor recipients on the waiting list for more than 5 years was 15.3%, decreased from 19.2% in 2016, likely continuing to reflect credit for time on dialysis under the new KAS (Table KI 9, Table KI 10). Consistent with the higher rate of discards for kidneys with KDPI above 85%, the proportion of transplants using high-KDPI kidneys declined from 11.0% in 2006 to 7.8% in 2017 (Figure KI 62). Given that the KDRI for a kidney with KDPI above 85% declined over the same period, this trend again suggests that kidneys that could benefit some candidates may be unnecessarily discarded. Immediately post-KAS, the proportion of deceased donor transplants among candidates with cPRA 98%-100% increased dramatically to 14.6% from 4.8% (Figure 65). This proportion decreased and then leveled off, but remained higher than pre-KAS prevalence at 10.6% (Figure KI 65).

Transplants were performed across a broad range of transplant program sizes, but 2017 saw a jump in the proportion of transplants performed at large volume (≥250/year) programs, from 16.9% in 2016 to 21.0% in 2017 (Figure KI 69). A steady increase in the use of T-cell depleting agents was again noted in 2017, with nearly 75% of recipients receiving immunosuppression induction with T-cell depleting agents (Figure KI 63). Similarly, tacrolimus remained the basis of most regimens, accounting for all but 7% of regimens (Figure KI 64). Approximately 30% of recipients remained on steroid-free regimens (Figure KI 64).


By mid-2017, more than 220,000 recipients were alive with a functioning graft, an increase from nearly 140,000 in 2006 (Figure KI 88). The longstanding improvement in unadjusted short- and long-term deceased donor graft survival continued in 2017; 6-month all-cause and death-censored graft failure for deceased donor recipients in 2016 was nearly half what it was 10 years ago. All-cause graft failure declined from 7.1% in 2006 to 4.3% in 2016, with a similar decline in 6-month death-censored graft failure from 4.1% to 2.4% over the same period. Long-term failure rates improved; 10-year all-cause graft failure for deceased donor recipients in 2007 declined to 49.7% from 57.6% in 2000, and 10-year death-censored graft failure declined from 31.5% to 25.1% (Figure KI 70, Figure KI 71). Graft failure remained significantly lower after living donor kidney transplants, with similarly positive trends: 6-month and 10-year all-cause graft failure only 1.4% and 34.1%. Censoring for death, more than 80% of living donor kidneys transplanted in 2007 were still functioning in 2017 (Figure KI 74).

Deceased donor transplant allograft failure was higher for patients with diabetes or hypertension as cause of kidney failure than for those with cystic disease or glomerulonephritis (Figure KI 76). However, graft survival did not differ for donation-after-circulatory-death versus donation-after-brain-death kidneys (Figure KI 78), or for metropolitan versus non-metropolitan residents (Figure KI 80). Allograft survival was modestly better for deceased donor recipients living 250 NM or farther from the transplant program (Figure KI 81). Not surprisingly, 5-year graft survival differed by KDPI. However, while graft survival for KDPI above 85% was notably lower than for lower KDPI groups at 63.5%, survival for lower KDPI groups differed only modestly (83.1%, 80.9%, 77.0% for KDPI ≤20%, 21%-34%, 35%-85% respectively) (Figure KI 77). Observed 5-year graft survival was lower for biopsied than for non-biopsied kidneys (74.2% versus 80.6%), suggesting more frequent biopsies of kidneys that are medically likely to be of lower quality (Figure KI 79). While still better than deceased donor graft survival, 5-year living donor graft survival was lower for black recipients than for any other racial/ethnic group, at 83.2% compared with 90.2% for Asian and 87-88% for white and Hispanic recipients (Figure KI 83).

Posttransplant diabetes continued to decline, especially among recipients with the highest body mass index (BMI); 1-year incidence in recipients with BMI 35 kg/m2 or higher was essentially the same as for recipients with BMI 25-34 kg/m2 (Figure KI 91, Figure KI 92). This trend is particularly encouraging given increased use of tacrolimus in lieu of cyclosporine for immunosuppression. Incidence of posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) remained low overall at 0.6% at 5 years. However, 5-year incidence was higher for recipients who were Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) negative, albeit still low at 1.7% (Figure KI 93).

Patient survival closely mirrored graft survival. Five-year recipient survival was lowest for patients with diabetes (85.5% and 88.0% for deceased and living donor recipients, respectively, Figure KI 95 and Figure KI 101), aged older than 65 years (76.4% and 83.6%, respectively, Figure KI 94 and Figure KI 100), and for those who received a high-KDPI (80.1%, Figure KI 96) or biopsied kidney (85.9%, Figure KI 97). Patient survival after either living or deceased donor transplant did not differ significantly by metropolitan versus non-metropolitan residence or distance to the transplant program.

Pediatric Kidney Transplant

Waiting List

In 2017, the highest number of pediatric candidates were added to the kidney transplant waiting list: 1014, with 367 (36%) added as active status (Figure KI 105). The number of prevalent pediatric candidates (listed at age <18 years and on the list on December 31 of the given year) has been steadily increasing and reached 1,575 on December 31, 2017, with 508 (32%) as active status (Figure KI 106). The most common reason for inactive status among newly listed candidates in 2017 was incomplete work-up (51.9%), followed by living donor candidate status (14.8%), and too well to need transplant (14.7%) (Table KI 13). Over the past decade, the age of pediatric candidates on the waiting list shifted, with an increase in those aged 1-5 and 6-10 years and a decrease in those aged 11-17 years (64.8% to 54.7%) (Table KI 14). Proportions of candidates with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) as primary cause of disease increased from 25.7% in 2007 to 37.6% in 2017, and proportions with glomerulonephritis and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) decreased (Table KI 15). For most candidates waiting as of December 31, 2017 (67.5%), cPRA was less than 1% (Table KI 15). The proportion of pediatric candidates waiting for retransplant decreased from 26.8% in 2007 to 13.9% in 2017. Multi-organ listing remained uncommon; only 2.1% of pediatric candidates were awaiting multi-organ transplant at the end of 2017 (Table KI 16). The leading cause of ESRD changed with age; CAKUT was most common in children aged younger than 6 years, and FSGS and glomerulonephritis were more common in older children (Figure KI 113).

Of the 971 pediatric candidates removed from the waiting list in 2017, 617 (63.5%) received a deceased donor kidney, 255 (26.3%) received a living donor kidney, 17 (1.8%) died, 15 (1.5%) were considered too sick to undergo transplant, and 6 (0.6%) were removed from the list because their condition improved (Table KI 17, Table KI 18). Among patients newly listed in 2014, 56.3% underwent deceased donor transplant within 3 years, 23.3% underwent living donor transplant, 15.4% were still waiting, 3.9% were removed from the list for other reasons, and 1.2% died (Figure KI 114). The rate of deceased donor transplant among pediatric waitlisted candidates decreased over the past decade and plateaued at 40 transplants per 100 active waitlist-years for the past several years, compared with a peak of 63 in 2006 (Figure KI 115). Considering changes post-KAS implementation, transplant rates varied by age; rates increased for ages younger than 6 and 11-17 years and decreased for ages 6-10 years. In 2017, transplant rates were highest for candidates aged 11-17 years (55.6 per 100 active waitlist-years), followed by ages younger than 6 years (43.9), the age group that previously had the lowest transplant rate among all pediatric candidates. As expected, transplant rates remained higher than pre-KAS rates for highly sensitized (≥98%) patients, reflecting KAS’ priority for these candidates; the transplant rate increased from 6.6 transplants per 100 waitlist-years in 2014 to 14.8 in 2017 (Figure KI 116). Transplant rates for pediatric candidates with cPRA 80%-97% initially declined to 17.1 post-KAS, but increased to 25.4 in 2017 (Figure KI 116), similar to rates in the adult population. In contrast to mortality among candidates waiting for other organs, pretransplant mortality among pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant was low: 2.0 per 100 waitlist-years in 2016-2017, but varying by age; the rate was 2.0 for ages younger than 6 and 6-10 years, and 0.9 for ages 11-17 years (Figure KI 119).


The total number of pediatric kidney transplants remained steady at just under 750 in 2017 (Figure KI 122). A slow decline continued in the proportion of living donor kidney transplants in pediatric recipients; only 31.5% of pediatric transplants were from living donors in 2017. The number of related living donors decreased dramatically over the past decade (Figure KI 123), and the number of unrelated directed transplants performed in pediatric candidates remained low (54 in 2017) (Figure KI 123). Children aged younger than 6 years made up the largest group of living donor kidney recipients (41.3%) (Figure KI 124).

In 2017, 33 programs were performing only pediatric kidney transplants, compared with 132 performing only adult transplants and 58 performing transplants in both adults and children (Figure KI 125). In 2017, only 5.9% of transplants in candidates aged younger than 10 years were performed at programs with volumes of five or fewer pediatric transplants in that year (Figure KI 126). Most pediatric recipients who underwent transplant between 2015 and 2017 were aged 11-17 years, 61.2% among deceased donor recipients and 51.9% among living donor recipients (Table KI 19). A higher proportion of living donor transplants were performed in recipients aged 1-5 years; this group accounted for 30.5% of pediatric living donor transplants and 19.3% of pediatric deceased donor transplants (Table KI 19).The racial distribution differed for deceased and living donor transplant recipients; a higher proportion of living donor than deceased donor recipients were white (68.1% vs. 40.0%). Private insurance was more common among living donor recipients and Medicare/Medicaid among deceased donor recipients. Most deceased donor recipients (93.6%) underwent transplant with a kidney from a donor with KDPI less than 35% (Table KI 21).

The combination of a donor who was positive for cytomegalovirus and a pediatric recipient who was negative occurred in 38.4% of deceased donor transplants and in 30.8% of living donor transplants (Table KI 22, Table KI 23). The combination of a donor who was positive for EBV and a recipient who was negative occurred in 36.2% of deceased donor transplants and in 50.6% of living donor transplants.

Immunosuppressive Medication Use

Use of T-cell depleting agents continued to increase, reaching 65.9% in 2017. IL-2-RA therapy use remained steady at 33.8% (Figure KI 127). In 2017, the most common initial immunosuppression regimens were tacrolimus, MMF, and steroids in 57.6% of recipients, followed by tacrolimus and MMF in 32.9% (Figure KI 128). T-cell depleting agents were more common with increasing cPRA and IL-2-RA use with decreasing cPRA (Figure KI 129).


All-cause graft failure after kidney-alone deceased donor transplant in pediatric recipients was 2.0% at 6 months and 2.3% at 1 year for transplants in 2015-2016, 11.1% at 3 years for transplants in 2013-2014, 16.2% at 5 years for transplants in 2011-2012, and 41.7% at 10 years for transplants in 2007-2008 (Figure KI 132). Corresponding graft failure after living donor transplant was 1.4% at 6 months and 1.8% at 1 year for transplants in 2015-2016, 5.0% at 3 years for transplants in 2013-2014, 10.2% at 5 years for transplants in 2011-2012, and 30.0% at 10 years for transplants in 2007-2008 (Figure KI 135). For the cohort of recipients who underwent transplant in 2008-2012, graft survival was highest for living donor recipients aged younger than 11 years (91.5% at 5 years) and lowest for deceased donor recipients aged 11-17 years (76.5% at 5 years) (Figure KI 138). In the 2015-2016 cohort, the overall incidence of acute rejection was 12.2% with some variation by age: highest for ages younger than 6 (13.5%) and lowest for ages 6-10 years (9.7%) (Figure KI 139). Short-term renal function, measured by eGFR, improved substantially over the past decade. The proportion of recipients with eGFR 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 or higher at 12 months posttransplant increased from 15% in 2006 to 27.7% in 2016 (Figure KI 131). In the 2016 cohort, 72.7% of recipients had CKD stage 1-2 at 1 year posttransplant, with eGFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or higher. Incidence of PTLD among EBV-negative recipients was 3.0% at 5 years posttransplant, compared with 0.7% among EBV-positive recipients (Figure KI 141). Overall 5-year patient survival among pediatric kidney transplant recipients in 2008-2012 was very high at 98.2% (Figure KI 142).

Figure List

Waiting list

Figure KI 1. New adult candidates added to the kidney transplant waiting list
Figure KI 2. Adults listed for kidney transplant on December 31 each year
Figure KI 3. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by age
Figure KI 4. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by sex
Figure KI 5. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by race
Figure KI 6. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by diagnosis
Figure KI 7. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by waiting time
Figure KI 8. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by C/PRA
Figure KI 9. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by time on dialysis
Figure KI 10. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by willingness to accept ECD or KDPI > 85% kidney
Figure KI 11. Adults willing to accept a kidney designated ECD or KDPI > 85% by age
Figure KI 12. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by age
Figure KI 13. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by race
Figure KI 14. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by diagnosis
Figure KI 15. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by C/PRA
Figure KI 16. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by blood type
Figure KI 17. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by time on the waitlist
Figure KI 18. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among waitlist candidates by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Figure KI 19. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among waitlist candidates by distance from listing center
Figure KI 20. Three-year outcomes for adults waiting for kidney transplant, new listings in 2014
Figure KI 21. Percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within a given time period of listing
Figure KI 22. Percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within 5 years of listing in 2012 by DSA
Figure KI 23. Percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within 5 years of listing in 2012 by state
Figure KI 24. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by age
Figure KI 25. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by race
Figure KI 26. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by diagnosis
Figure KI 27. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Figure KI 28. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney, by distance from listing center
Figure KI 29. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant in 2017, by DSA
Figure KI 30. Deaths within six months after removal among adult kidney waitlist candidates, by diagnosis group at removal
Figure KI 31. Deaths within six months after removal among adult kidney waitlist candidates, by age at removal

Deceased donation

Figure KI 32. Deceased kidney donor count by age
Figure KI 33. Distribution of deceased kidney donors by age
Figure KI 34. Distribution of deceased kidney donors by race
Figure KI 35. Percent of pediatric kidney donors allocated to adult recipients
Figure KI 36. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor age
Figure KI 37. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor diabetes status
Figure KI 38. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor hypertension status
Figure KI 39. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor terminal creatinine
Figure KI 40. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor biopsy status
Figure KI 41. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor cause of death
Figure KI 42. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted, by donor risk of disease transmission
Figure KI 43. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by DCD status
Figure KI 44. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by KDPI
Figure KI 45. Donor-specific components of the kidney donor risk index
Figure KI 46. Average kidney donor risk index
Figure KI 47. Average kidney donor risk index by biopsy status
Figure KI 48. Cause of death among deceased kidney donors

Living donation

Figure KI 49. Kidney transplants from living donors by donor relation
Figure KI 50. Living kidney donors by age
Figure KI 51. Living kidney donors by sex
Figure KI 52. Living kidney donors by race
Figure KI 53. Intended living kidney donor procedure type
Figure KI 54. Rehospitalization in the first 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year among living kidney donors, 2012-2016
Figure KI 55. Kidney complications among living kidney donors, 2012-2016
Figure KI 56. BMI among living kidney donors


Figure KI 57. Total kidney transplants
Figure KI 58. Total kidney transplants by age
Figure KI 59. Total kidney transplants by sex
Figure KI 60. Total kidney transplants by race
Figure KI 61. Total kidney transplants by diagnosis
Figure KI 62. Kidney transplants by kidney donor profile index (KDPI)
Figure KI 63. Induction agent use in adult kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 64. Immunosuppression regimen use in adult kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 65. C/PRA at time of kidney transplant in adult deceased donor recipients
Figure KI 66. C/PRA at time of kidney transplant in adult living donor recipients
Figure KI 67. Total HLA A, B, and DR mismatches among adult kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017
Figure KI 68. Annual adult kidney transplant center volumes, by percentile
Figure KI 69. Distribution of adult kidney transplants by annual center volume


Figure KI 70. Graft failure among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 71. Death-censored graft failure among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 72. Death with function among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 73. Graft failure among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 74. Death-censored graft failure among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 75. Death with function among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 76. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Figure KI 77. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by KDPI
Figure KI 78. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by DCD status
Figure KI 79. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by biopsy status
Figure KI 80. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Figure KI 81. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center
Figure KI 82. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age
Figure KI 83. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by race
Figure KI 84. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Figure KI 85. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Figure KI 86. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center
Figure KI 87. Distribution of eGFR at 6 months posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 88. Recipients alive with a functioning kidney graft on June 30 of the year, by age at transplant
Figure KI 89. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients by age, 2015-2016
Figure KI 90. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients by induction status, 2015-2016
Figure KI 91. Posttransplant diabetes among adult kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 92. Posttransplant diabetes within 1 year among adult kidney transplant recipients by BMI at transplant
Figure KI 93. Incidence of PTLD among adult kidney transplant recipients by recipient EBV status at transplant, 2011-2015
Figure KI 94. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age
Figure KI 95. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Figure KI 96. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by KDPI
Figure KI 97. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by biopsy status
Figure KI 98. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Figure KI 99. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center
Figure KI 100. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age
Figure KI 101. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Figure KI 102. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by race
Figure KI 103. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Figure KI 104. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center

Pediatric transplant

Figure KI 105. New pediatric candidates added to the kidney transplant waiting list
Figure KI 106. Pediatric candidates listed for kidney transplant on December 31 each year
Figure KI 107. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by age
Figure KI 108. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by race
Figure KI 109. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by diagnosis
Figure KI 110. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by sex
Figure KI 111. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by waiting time
Figure KI 112. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by C/PRA
Figure KI 113. Primary cause of ESRD in pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by age, 2011-2015
Figure KI 114. Three-year outcomes for newly listed pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant, 2014
Figure KI 115. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by age
Figure KI 116. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by C/PRA
Figure KI 117. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Figure KI 118. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by distance from listing center
Figure KI 119. Pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by age
Figure KI 120. Pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Figure KI 121. Pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by distance from listing center
Figure KI 122. Pediatric kidney transplants by donor type
Figure KI 123. Pediatric kidney transplants from living donors by relation
Figure KI 124. Percent of pediatric kidney transplants from living donors by recipient age
Figure KI 125. Number of centers performing pediatric and adult kidney transplants by center's age mix
Figure KI 126. Pediatric kidney recipients at programs that perform 5 or fewer pediatric transplants annually
Figure KI 127. Induction agent use in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 128. Immunosuppression regimen use in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Figure KI 129. Induction use by C/PRA among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017
Figure KI 130. Total HLA A, B, and DR mismatches among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017
Figure KI 131. Distribution of eGFR at 12 months posttransplant among pediatric kidney-alone transplant recipients
Figure KI 132. Graft failure among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Figure KI 133. Death-censored graft failure among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Figure KI 134. Death with function among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Figure KI 135. Graft failure among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Figure KI 136. Death-censored graft failure among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Figure KI 137. Death with function among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Figure KI 138. Graft survival among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by age and donor type, 2008-2012
Figure KI 139. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by induction status, 2015-2016
Figure KI 140. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by age, 2015-2016
Figure KI 141. Incidence of PTLD among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by recipient EBV status at transplant, 2004-2014
Figure KI 142. Patient survival among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2008-2012, by recipient age and donor type

Table List

Waiting list

Table KI 1. Reasons for inactive status among new adult kidney transplant listings, 2017
Table KI 2. Demographic characteristics of adults on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2017
Table KI 3. Clinical characteristics of adults on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2017
Table KI 4. Listing characteristics of adults on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2017
Table KI 5. Kidney transplant waitlist activity among adults
Table KI 6. Removal reason among adult kidney transplant candidates

Living donation

Table KI 7. Living kidney donor deaths, 2013-2017, by number of days after donation


Table KI 8. Demographic characteristics of adult kidney transplant recipients, 2017
Table KI 9. Clinical characteristics of adult kidney transplant recipients, 2017
Table KI 10. Transplant characteristics of adult kidney transplant recipients, 2017
Table KI 11. Adult deceased donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017
Table KI 12. Adult living donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017

Pediatric transplant

Table KI 13. Reasons for inactive status among new pediatric kidney transplant listings, 2016
Table KI 14. Demographic characteristics of pediatric candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017
Table KI 15. Clinical characteristics of pediatric candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017
Table KI 16. Listing characteristics of pediatric candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017
Table KI 17. Kidney transplant waitlist activity among pediatric candidates
Table KI 18. Removal reason among pediatric kidney transplant candidates
Table KI 19. Demographic characteristics of pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2015-2017
Table KI 20. Clinicial characteristics of pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2015-2017
Table KI 21. Transplant characteristics of pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2015-2017
Table KI 22. Pediatric deceased donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017
Table KI 23. Pediatric living donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017

A line plot for new adult candidates added to the kidney transplant waiting list; the active category increases by 11.6% from 20.9 candidates (in thousands) at 2006 to 23.3 candidates (in thousands) at 2017; the inactive category is 6.5 candidates (in thousands) at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 7 candidates (in thousands) at 2017; and the all category increases by 10.9% from 27.4 candidates (in thousands) at 2006 to 30.3 candidates (in thousands) at 2017.

Figure KI 1. New adult candidates added to the kidney transplant waiting list
A new candidate is one who first joined the list during the given year, without having been listed in a previous year. Previously listed candidates who underwent transplant and subsequently relisted are considered new. Candidates concurrently listed at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive patients are included; active status is determined on day 7 after first listing. Includes kidney and kidney-pancreas listings.

A line plot for adults listed for kidney transplant on december 31 each year; the active category increases by 23.5% from 47.9 candidates (in thousands) at 2006 to 59.2 candidates (in thousands) at 2017; the inactive category increases by 77.2% from 18.9 candidates (in thousands) at 2006 to 33.5 candidates (in thousands) at 2017; and the all category increases by 38.7% from 66.8 candidates (in thousands) at 2006 to 92.7 candidates (in thousands) at 2017.

Figure KI 2. Adults listed for kidney transplant on December 31 each year
Candidates concurrently listed at multiple centers are counted once. Those with concurrent listings and active at any program are considered active. Includes kidney and kidney-pancreas listings.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by age; the 18 to 34 category decreases by 27.0% from 12.7 percent at 2006 to 9.3 percent at 2017; the 35 to 49 category decreases by 19.0% from 31.2 percent at 2006 to 25.3 percent at 2017; the 50 to 64 category is 41.7 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 43.7 percent at 2017; the 65 to 74 category increases by 52.7% from 13 percent at 2006 to 19.8 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 75 category increases by 32.3% from 1.5 percent at 2006 to 1.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 3. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by age
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Age is determined at the later of listing date or January 1 of the given year. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by sex; the male category is 58.8 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 61.1 percent at 2017; and the female category is 41.2 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 38.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 4. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by sex
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive patients are included.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by race; the white category decreases by 10.2% from 42.6 percent at 2006 to 38.3 percent at 2017; the black category is 33 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 31.9 percent at 2017; the hispanic category increases by 21.0% from 16.2 percent at 2006 to 19.6 percent at 2017; the asian category increases by 27.4% from 6.8 percent at 2006 to 8.6 percent at 2017; and the other/unknown category increases by 18.0% from 1.4 percent at 2006 to 1.7 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 5. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by race
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by diagnosis; the dm category increases by 18.3% from 31 percent at 2006 to 36.7 percent at 2017; the htn category is 24.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 22.4 percent at 2017; the gn category is 15.2 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.1 percent at 2017; the ckd category is 8.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 8.7 percent at 2017; and the other category decreases by 15.0% from 21.3 percent at 2006 to 18.1 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 6. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by diagnosis
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive candidates are included. CKD, cystic kidney disease; DM, diabetes. HTN, hypertension. GN, glomerulonephritis.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by waiting time; the  less than  1 year category decreases by 21.2% from 34.8 percent at 2006 to 27.4 percent at 2017; the 1 to less than  2 category decreases by 15.2% from 22.2 percent at 2006 to 18.8 percent at 2017; the 2 to less than  3 category is 15.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.6 percent at 2017; the 3 to less than  4 category increases by 23.8% from 9.7 percent at 2006 to 12 percent at 2017; the 4 to less than  5 category increases by 40.7% from 6.6 percent at 2006 to 9.3 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to  5 category increases by 53.4% from 11.6 percent at 2006 to 17.8 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 7. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by waiting time
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Time on the waiting list is determined at the earlier of December 31 or removal from the waiting list. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by c/pra; the  less than  1% category increases by 20.7% from 48.2 percent at 2006 to 58.2 percent at 2017; the 1 to less than  20% category decreases by 50.6% from 20.5 percent at 2006 to 10.1 percent at 2017; the 20 to less than  80% category is 16.2 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 17.6 percent at 2017; the 80 to less than  98% category decreases by 19.4% from 7.8 percent at 2006 to 6.3 percent at 2017; and the 98 to 100% category is 7.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 7.8 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 8. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by C/PRA
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. From December 5, 2007, through September 30, 2009, CPRA was used if greater than 0; otherwise, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used. Before December 5, 2007, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used unconditionally. CPRA is used after September 30, 2009. C/PRA is the highest value during the year. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by time on dialysis; the none category increases by 31.6% from 10.9 percent at 2006 to 14.3 percent at 2017; the  less than  1 year category decreases by 21.4% from 11.6 percent at 2006 to 9.1 percent at 2017; the 1 to less than  2 category decreases by 19.4% from 15.7 percent at 2006 to 12.6 percent at 2017; the 2 to less than  3 category decreases by 12.2% from 14.8 percent at 2006 to 13 percent at 2017; the 3 to less than  4 category is 11.7 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 11.8 percent at 2017; the 4 to less than  6 category is 16.4 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 17.6 percent at 2017; the 6 to less than  11 category increases by 16.0% from 13.8 percent at 2006 to 16 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to  11 category is 5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 5.5 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 9. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by time on dialysis
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Time on dialysis begins at the more recent of first ESRD service date and most recent graft failure, and ends at the earlier of December 31 or removal from the waiting list. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by willingness to accept ecd or kdpi > 85% kidney; the yes category is 43.8 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 45.1 percent at 2017; and the no category is 56.2 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 54.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 10. Distribution of adults waiting for kidney transplant by willingness to accept ECD or KDPI > 85% kidney
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive candidates are included. Willingness to accept ECD at time of listing or willingness to accept a local non-zero HLA mismatch KDPI >85% kidney for at least one day during the year, beginning in 2014. ECD, expanded criteria donor.

A line plot for adults willing to accept a kidney designated ecd or kdpi > 85% by age; the 18 to 34 category decreases by 34.8% from 22.3 percent at 2006 to 14.6 percent at 2017; the 35 to 49 category decreases by 15.4% from 28.1 percent at 2006 to 23.8 percent at 2017; the 50 to 64 category is 44.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 43.8 percent at 2017; the  greater than or equal to 65 category is 61.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 59.8 percent at 2017; and the all category is 38.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 39.7 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 11. Adults willing to accept a kidney designated ECD or KDPI > 85% by age
Adults waiting for kidney transplant on December 31 of the given year. Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal. Willingness to accept ECD at time of listing or willingness to accept a local non-zero HLA mismatch KDPI >85% kidney on December 31 of the given year, beginning in 2014. ECD, expanded criteria donor.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by age; the 18 to 34 category increases by 14.1% from 15.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 17.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 35 to 49 category is 15.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 15.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 50 to 64 category decreases by 17.5% from 15.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 13.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the  greater than or equal to 65 category decreases by 31.6% from 17.4 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 11.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the all category decreases by 13.5% from 16 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 13.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 12. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by age
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Age is determined at the later of listing date or January 1 of the given year. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by race; the white category decreases by 26.0% from 20.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 14.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the black category is 13.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 13.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the hispanic category is 12.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 13.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the asian category decreases by 10.5% from 12.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 11.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the other category is 15.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 15.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 13. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by race
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by diagnosis; the diabetes category decreases by 24.2% from 15.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 11.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the hypertension category is 15.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the gn category is 16.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the cystic kidney disease category decreases by 20.4% from 18.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 14.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the other category is 15.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 16.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 14. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by diagnosis
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown. GN, glomerulonephritis.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by c/pra; the  less than 1% category decreases by 19.2% from 16.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 13.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 1 to less than 20% category decreases by 30.6% from 19.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 13.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 20 to less than 80% category decreases by 13.6% from 15.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 13.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 80 to less than 98% category increases by 44.8% from 12.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 18.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the 98 to 100% category increases by 155.0% from 5.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 14.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 15. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by C/PRA
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. c/PRA at time of listing is used. From December 5, 2007, through September 30, 2009, CPRA was used if greater than 0; otherwise, PRA was used. Before December 5, 2007, PRA was used unconditionally. CPRA is used after September 30, 2009. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by blood type; the a category decreases by 15.7% from 21 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 17.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the b category decreases by 12.9% from 12.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 11.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the ab category decreases by 14.1% from 32.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 27.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the o category decreases by 11.2% from 13.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 12 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 16. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by blood type
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by time on the waitlist; the  less than 1 year category increases by 27.7% from 26.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 33.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 1 to less than 2 category decreases by 33.6% from 12.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 8.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 2 to less than 3 category decreases by 35.5% from 13.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 8.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 3 to less than 4 category decreases by 32.4% from 14.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 9.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 4 to less than 5 category decreases by 17.1% from 14 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 11.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 5 category increases by 13.1% from 10.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 11.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 17. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among adult waitlist candidates by time on the waitlist
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among waitlist candidates by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence; the metropolitan category decreases by 12.7% from 15.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 13.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the non to metropolitan category decreases by 20.2% from 19.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 15.4 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 18. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among waitlist candidates by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Urban/rural determination is made using the RUCA (Rural-Urban Commuting Area) designation of the candidate's permanent zip code. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among waitlist candidates by distance from listing center; the 0 to less than 50 nm category decreases by 13.7% from 16 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 13.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 50 to less than 100 category decreases by 15.8% from 16.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 14.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 100 to less than 150 category decreases by 11.2% from 16.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 15 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 150 to less than 250 category is 12.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 11.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 250 category decreases by 16.4% from 17.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 15 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 19. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among waitlist candidates by distance from listing center
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of wait time in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Distance is nautical miles (NM) between the zip code centroids of the candidate's listing center and candidate's permanent zip code. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for three-year outcomes for adults waiting for kidney transplant, new listings in 2014; the still waiting category decreases by 57.5% from 99.9 percent at 0 Months postlisting to 42.4 percent at 36 Months postlisting; the removed from list category increases by 132033.3% from 0 percent at 0 Months postlisting to 12.7 percent at 36 Months postlisting; the died category increases by 126500.0% from 0 percent at 0 Months postlisting to 8.1 percent at 36 Months postlisting; the dd transplant category increases by 137100.0% from 0 percent at 0 Months postlisting to 21.9 percent at 36 Months postlisting; and the ld transplant category increases by 57925.0% from 0 percent at 0 Months postlisting to 14.8 percent at 36 Months postlisting.

Figure KI 20. Three-year outcomes for adults waiting for kidney transplant, new listings in 2014
Adults waiting for any kidney transplant and first listed in 2014. Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal. Removed from list includes all reasons except transplant and death. DD, deceased donor; LD, living donor.

A line plot for percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within a given time period of listing; the 3 to month category increases by 54.3% from 5.4 percent at 2006 to 8.3 percent at 2016; the 6 to month category increases by 34.4% from 8.9 percent at 2006 to 12 percent at 2016; the 1 to year category increases by 13.8% from 14.9 percent at 2006 to 17 percent at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 24.7% from 32.8 percent at 2006 to 24.7 percent at 2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 23.5% from 42.5 percent at 2006 to 32.6 percent at 2012; and the 10 to year category is 48.8 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 47 percent at 2007.

Figure KI 21. Percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within a given time period of listing
Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal.

A map of percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within 5 years of listing in 2012 by dsa, the values range from 10.19 to 80.33.

Figure KI 22. Percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within 5 years of listing in 2012 by DSA
Candidates listed concurrently in a single DSA are counted once in that DSA, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal; candidates listed in multiple DSAs are counted separately per DSA.

A map of percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within 5 years of listing in 2012 by state, the values range from 12.09 to 74.22.

Figure KI 23. Percentage of adults who underwent deceased donor kidney transplant within 5 years of listing in 2012 by state
Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal.

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by age; the 18 to 34 category decreases by 29.9% from 3.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 2.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 35 to 49 category decreases by 27.0% from 5.4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 50 to 64 category decreases by 19.5% from 8.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the  greater than or equal to 65 category is 12 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 11.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the all category is 7.5 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 7.1 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 24. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by age
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown. Age is determined at the later of listing date or January 1 of the given year.

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by race; the white category is 8.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 8.4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the black category is 6.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 6.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the hispanic category is 6.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 5.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the asian category is 5.5 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 5.5 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the other/unknown category increases by 12.6% from 6.9 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 7.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 25. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by race
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by diagnosis; the dm category decreases by 10.3% from 10.6 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 9.5 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the htn category is 6.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 6.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the gn category is 4.2 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 4.2 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the ckd category decreases by 15.0% from 4.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the other category decreases by 12.6% from 7.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 6.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 26. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant by diagnosis
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.CKD, cystic kidney disease; DM, diabetes. HTN, hypertension. GN, glomerulonephritis.

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence; the metropolitan category is 7.4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the non to metropolitan category is 7.9 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 27. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown. Urban/rural determination is made using the RUCA (Rural-Urban Commuting Area) designation of the candidate's permanent zip code.

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney, by distance from listing center; the 0 to less than 50 nm category is 7.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 6.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 50 to less than 100 category decreases by 10.1% from 8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 7.2 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 100 to less than 150 category is 8.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 150 to less than 250 category increases by 10.4% from 7.6 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 8.4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 250 category increases by 24.7% from 6 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 7.4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 28. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney, by distance from listing center
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown. Distance is nautical miles (NM) between the zip code centroids of the candidate's listing center and candidate's permanent zip code.

A map of pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant in 2017, by dsa, the values range from 1.43 to 9.36.

Figure KI 29. Pretransplant mortality rates among adults waitlisted for kidney transplant in 2017, by DSA
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the DSA. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure are not shown.

A line plot for deaths within six months after removal among  adult kidney waitlist  candidates, by diagnosis group at removal; the diabetes category increases by 13.8% from 10.4 percent at 2006 to 11.9 percent at 2017; the hypertension category is 7.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 7.5 percent at 2017; the gn category increases by 12.9% from 6.1 percent at 2006 to 6.9 percent at 2017; the ckd category increases by 68.7% from 4.7 percent at 2006 to 8 percent at 2017; and the other category is 11.4 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 12.1 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 30. Deaths within six months after removal among adult kidney waitlist candidates, by diagnosis group at removal
Denominator includes only candidates removed from the waiting list for reasons other than transplant or death while on the list.

A line plot for deaths within six months after removal among  adult kidney waitlist  candidates, by age at removal; the all category increases by 39.1% from 7.2 percent at 2006 to 10.1 percent at 2017; the 0 to 17 category decreases by 100.0% from 3.3 percent at 2006 to 0 percent at 2017; the 18 to 34 category increases by 63.8% from 1.8 percent at 2006 to 2.9 percent at 2017; the 35 to 49 category is 5.4 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 5.8 percent at 2017; the 50 to 64 category increases by 26.5% from 8.8 percent at 2006 to 11.1 percent at 2017; and the 65+ category increases by 17.2% from 11 percent at 2006 to 12.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 31. Deaths within six months after removal among adult kidney waitlist candidates, by age at removal
Denominator includes only candidates removed from the waiting list for reasons other than transplant or death while on the list.

A line plot for deceased kidney donor count by age; the  less than  18 category is 886 count at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 857 count at 2017; the 18 to 34 category increases by 56.1% from 1940 count at 2006 to 3028 count at 2017; the 35 to 49 category increases by 30.5% from 1931 count at 2006 to 2520 count at 2017; the 50 to 64 category increases by 37.9% from 1840 count at 2006 to 2538 count at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to  65 category decreases by 20.9% from 579 count at 2006 to 458 count at 2017.

Figure KI 32. Deceased kidney donor count by age
Count of deceased donors with at least one kidney recovered for transplant, by age at donation. Donors are counted once, regardless of number of kidneys recovered.

A line plot for distribution of deceased kidney donors by age; the  less than 18 category decreases by 26.4% from 13.6 percent at 2006 to 10 percent at 2017; the 18 to 34 category increases by 18.0% from 30.5 percent at 2006 to 35.9 percent at 2017; the 35 to 49 category is 28.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 28.3 percent at 2017; the 50 to 64 category is 22.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 23.1 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 65 category decreases by 45.9% from 4.7 percent at 2006 to 2.6 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 33. Distribution of deceased kidney donors by age
Deceased donors with at least one kidney recovered for transplant. Donors who donated more than one kidney are counted once.

A line plot for distribution of deceased kidney donors by race; the white category is 68.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 67.5 percent at 2017; the black category is 14 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.3 percent at 2017; the hispanic category is 14.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.5 percent at 2017; and the other/unknown category increases by 24.4% from 3 percent at 2006 to 3.7 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 34. Distribution of deceased kidney donors by race
Deceased donors with at least one kidney recovered for transplant. Donors who donated more than one kidney are counted once.

A map of percent of pediatric kidney donors allocated to adult recipients, the values range from 0.33 to 1.00.

Figure KI 35. Percent of pediatric kidney donors allocated to adult recipients
Numerator: pediatric kidney and kidney-pancreas donors allocated to adult recipients. Denominator: total pediatric kidney and kidney-pancreas donors

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor age; the  less than 18 category increases by 16.9% from 5 percent at 2006 to 5.8 percent at 2017; the 18 to 34 category increases by 119.4% from 3.3 percent at 2006 to 7.3 percent at 2017; the 35 to 49 category increases by 20.0% from 12.2 percent at 2006 to 14.6 percent at 2017; the 50 to 64 category increases by 18.4% from 28.2 percent at 2006 to 33.3 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 65 category increases by 10.5% from 58.3 percent at 2006 to 64.4 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 36. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor age
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once, and kidneys recovered separately are counted twice.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor diabetes status; the diabetes category increases by 22.4% from 39.9 percent at 2006 to 48.9 percent at 2017; the no diabetes category is 14.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 15.6 percent at 2017; and the all category increases by 14.5% from 16.5 percent at 2006 to 18.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 37. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor diabetes status
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once, and kidneys recovered separately are counted twice.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor hypertension status; the hypertension category is 33.2 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 35.8 percent at 2017; and the no hypertension category increases by 23.0% from 9 percent at 2006 to 11.1 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 38. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor hypertension status
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once, and kidneys recovered separately are counted twice.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor terminal creatinine; the high creatinine:  greater than 1.5 category is 32 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 34.2 percent at 2017; and the normal creatinine:  less than or equal to 1.5 category is 13.4 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.3 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 39. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor terminal creatinine
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once, and kidneys recovered separately are counted twice.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor biopsy status; the biopsied category is 30.6 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 30.9 percent at 2017; and the not biopsied category decreases by 10.3% from 7.1 percent at 2006 to 6.3 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 40. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor biopsy status
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once, and kidneys recovered separately are counted twice.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor cause of death; the anoxia category increases by 28.2% from 14.2 percent at 2006 to 18.2 percent at 2017; the cva/stroke category increases by 17.5% from 26.9 percent at 2006 to 31.6 percent at 2017; the head trauma category increases by 31.7% from 7.1 percent at 2006 to 9.3 percent at 2017; the cns tumor category decreases by 24.5% from 21.1 percent at 2006 to 15.9 percent at 2017; and the other/unknown category is 17.4 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 17 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 41. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by donor cause of death
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once, and kidneys recovered separately are counted twice. CNS, central nervous system; CVA, cerebrovascular accident.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted, by donor risk of disease transmission; the phs increased risk category is 18.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 17.1 percent at 2017; and the not increased risk category increases by 19.1% from 16.4 percent at 2006 to 19.5 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 42. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted, by donor risk of disease transmission
"Increased risk" is defined by criteria from the US Public Health Service Guidelines for increased risk for HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C transmission.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by dcd status; the dbd category increases by 12.3% from 16.4 percent at 2006 to 18.4 percent at 2017; and the dcd category increases by 17.7% from 17.8 percent at 2006 to 21 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 43. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by DCD status
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once, and kidneys recovered separately are counted twice. DBD, donation after brain death; DCD, donation after circulatory death.

A line plot for rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by kdpi; the kdpi  less than or equal to 20% category is 1.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 2 percent at 2017; the kdpi 21 to 34% category increases by 72.6% from 3.1 percent at 2006 to 5.3 percent at 2017; the kdpi 35 to 85% category increases by 26.9% from 13.8 percent at 2006 to 17.5 percent at 2017; and the kdpi  greater than 85% category increases by 16.0% from 50.9 percent at 2006 to 59.1 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 44. Rates of kidneys recovered for transplant and not transplanted by KDPI
Percentages of kidneys not transplanted out of all kidneys recovered for transplant, by KDPI classification. The reference population for the KDRI to KDPI conversion is all deceased donor kidneys recovered for transplant in the US in 2016. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once. KDPI, kidney donor profile index; KDRI, kidney donor risk index.

A line plot for donor-specific components of the kidney donor risk index; the donor age  greater than  50 category is 25.4 percent of donors at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 23.9 percent of donors at 2017; the black race category is 14 percent of donors at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.3 percent of donors at 2017; the diabetes category is 6.5 percent of donors at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 6.6 percent of donors at 2017; the hypertension category is 26.7 percent of donors at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 26 percent of donors at 2017; the weight  greater than  80 kg category increases by 14.5% from 42 percent of donors at 2006 to 48.1 percent of donors at 2017; the terminal scr  greater than  1.5 mg/dl category increases by 35.8% from 14.3 percent of donors at 2006 to 19.5 percent of donors at 2017; the dcd category increases by 128.3% from 8.5 percent of donors at 2006 to 19.4 percent of donors at 2017; the cva death category decreases by 38.1% from 36.1 percent of donors at 2006 to 22.4 percent of donors at 2017; and the hcv+ category increases by 35.1% from 2.3 percent of donors at 2006 to 3.1 percent of donors at 2017.

Figure KI 45. Donor-specific components of the kidney donor risk index
Donors with at least one transplanted kidney. The donor-specific components of the kidney donor risk index are shown, except for donor height and hepatitis C virus status. CVA, cerebrovascular accident; DCD, donation after circulatory death; SCr, serum creatinine.

A line plot for average kidney donor risk index; the transplanted category is 1.2 donor risk index at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 1.2 donor risk index at 2017; and the discarded category is 1.9 donor risk index at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 1.8 donor risk index at 2017.

Figure KI 46. Average kidney donor risk index
Kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidney donor risk index is computed using only donor-specific components.

A line plot for average kidney donor risk index by biopsy status; the biopsied category is 1.7 donor risk index at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 1.5 donor risk index at 2017; and the not biopsied category is 1.1 donor risk index at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 1.1 donor risk index at 2017.

Figure KI 47. Average kidney donor risk index by biopsy status
Kidneys recovered for transplant. Kidney donor risk index is computed using only donor-specific components, and is not converted to KDPI.

A line plot for cause of death among deceased kidney donors; the anoxia category increases by 153.0% from 16.6 percent at 2006 to 41.9 percent at 2017; the cva/stroke category decreases by 38.0% from 36.1 percent at 2006 to 22.4 percent at 2017; the head trauma category decreases by 25.7% from 44.2 percent at 2006 to 32.9 percent at 2017; the cns tumor category decreases by 36.7% from 0.6 percent at 2006 to 0.4 percent at 2017; and the other category is 2.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 2.5 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 48. Cause of death among deceased kidney donors
Deceased donors whose kidneys were transplanted. Each donor is counted once. CNS, central nervous system; CVA, cerebrovascular accident.

A line plot for kidney transplants from living donors by donor relation; the related category decreases by 38.9% from 3515 transplants at 2006 to 2146 transplants at 2017; the distantly related category decreases by 19.7% from 492 transplants at 2006 to 395 transplants at 2017; the spouse/partner category decreases by 13.6% from 823 transplants at 2006 to 711 transplants at 2017; the unrelated directed category is 1454 transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 1537 transplants at 2017; the paired donation category increases by 900.0% from 72 transplants at 2006 to 720 transplants at 2017; and the other unrelated category increases by 286.2% from 80 transplants at 2006 to 309 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 49. Kidney transplants from living donors by donor relation
As reported on the OPTN Living Donor Registration Form.

A line plot for living kidney donors by age; the 18 to 34 category decreases by 14.8% from 31.6 percent at 2006 to 26.9 percent at 2017; the 35 to 49 category decreases by 14.3% from 45.7 percent at 2006 to 39.2 percent at 2017; the 50 to 64 category increases by 37.9% from 21.6 percent at 2006 to 29.7 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 65 category increases by 277.1% from 1.1 percent at 2006 to 4.2 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 50. Living kidney donors by age
As reported on the OPTN Living Donor Registration Form.

A line plot for living kidney donors by sex; the male category is 40.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 37.1 percent at 2017; and the female category is 59.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 62.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 51. Living kidney donors by sex
As reported on the OPTN Living Donor Registration Form.

A line plot for living kidney donors by race; the white category is 70.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 71.3 percent at 2017; the black category decreases by 29.9% from 12.6 percent at 2006 to 8.8 percent at 2017; the hispanic category is 13 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 13.8 percent at 2017; the asian category increases by 59.2% from 2.9 percent at 2006 to 4.7 percent at 2017; and the other/unknown category increases by 19.4% from 1.2 percent at 2006 to 1.4 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 52. Living kidney donors by race
As reported on the OPTN Living Donor Registration Form.

A line plot for intended living kidney donor procedure type; the transabdominal category decreases by 44.1% from 0.5 percent at 2013 to 0.3 percent at 2017; the flank (retroperitoneal) category decreases by 26.4% from 2.3 percent at 2013 to 1.7 percent at 2017; the laparascopic not assisted category is 36.6 percent at 2013 and remains relatively constant with a value of 36.5 percent at 2017; the laparascopic hand assisted category is 60.5 percent at 2013 and remains relatively constant with a value of 61.4 percent at 2017; and the other/unknown category is 0 percent at 2013 and is percent at 2017.

Figure KI 53. Intended living kidney donor procedure type
As reported on the OPTN Living Donor Registration Form.

A bar plot for rehospitalization in the first 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year among living kidney donors, 2012-2016, the no response is 95.56 percent for 6 weeks, 87.46 percent for 6 months, and 78.55 percent for 12 months; the yes response is 2.58 percent for 6 weeks, 4.09 percent for 6 months, and 5.31 percent for 12 months; and the unknown response is 1.87 percent for 6 weeks, 8.45 percent for 6 months, and 16.13 percent for 12 months.

Figure KI 54. Rehospitalization in the first 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year among living kidney donors, 2012-2016
Cumulative hospital readmission. The 6-week time point is recorded at the earliest of discharge or 6 weeks after donation.

A bar plot for kidney complications among living kidney donors, 2012-2016, the no response is 92.51 percent for 6 weeks, 85.67 percent for 6 months, and 79.83 percent for 12 months; the yes response is 5.35 percent for 6 weeks, 7.37 percent for 6 months, and 8.91 percent for 12 months; and the unknown response is 2.14 percent for 6 weeks, 6.96 percent for 6 months, and 11.26 percent for 12 months.

Figure KI 55. Kidney complications among living kidney donors, 2012-2016
Complications reported on the OPTN Living Donor Registration and Living Donor Follow-up Forms at each time point. Complications include readmission, re-operation, vascular complications, and other complications requiring intervention. Multiple complications may be reported at any time point.

A line plot for bmi among living kidney donors; the  less than  25 kg/m2 category is 33.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 32.8 percent at 2017; the 25 to less than  30 category increases by 14.8% from 38.3 percent at 2006 to 44 percent at 2017; the 30 to less than  35 category increases by 17.5% from 17.7 percent at 2006 to 20.8 percent at 2017; the  greater than or equal to  35 category decreases by 51.9% from 4 percent at 2006 to 1.9 percent at 2017; and the unknown category decreases by 92.1% from 6.1 percent at 2006 to 0.5 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 56. BMI among living kidney donors
Donor height and weight reported on the OPTN Living Donor Registration Form.

A line plot for total kidney transplants; the deceased donor category increases by 28.0% from 11583 transplants at 2006 to 14826 transplants at 2017; the living donor category is 6436 transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 5812 transplants at 2017; and the all category increases by 14.5% from 18019 transplants at 2006 to 20638 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 57. Total kidney transplants
All kidney transplant recipients, including adult and pediatric, retransplant, and multi-organ recipients.

A line plot for total kidney transplants by age; the  less than 18 category decreases by 16.4% from 896 transplants at 2006 to 749 transplants at 2017; the 18 to 34 category is 2695 transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 2593 transplants at 2017; the 35 to 49 category is 5337 transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 5521 transplants at 2017; the 50 to 64 category increases by 21.0% from 6700 transplants at 2006 to 8104 transplants at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 65 category increases by 53.5% from 2391 transplants at 2006 to 3671 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 58. Total kidney transplants by age
All kidney transplant recipients, including adult and pediatric, retransplant, and multi-organ recipients.

A line plot for total kidney transplants by sex; the male category increases by 13.7% from 11068 transplants at 2006 to 12581 transplants at 2017; and the female category increases by 15.9% from 6951 transplants at 2006 to 8057 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 59. Total kidney transplants by sex
All kidney transplant recipients, including adult and pediatric, retransplant, and multi-organ recipients.

A line plot for total kidney transplants by race; the white category is 10146 transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 9659 transplants at 2017; the black category increases by 27.9% from 4306 transplants at 2006 to 5509 transplants at 2017; the hispanic category increases by 51.6% from 2426 transplants at 2006 to 3677 transplants at 2017; the asian category increases by 64.1% from 888 transplants at 2006 to 1457 transplants at 2017; and the other/unknown category increases by 32.8% from 253 transplants at 2006 to 336 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 60. Total kidney transplants by race
All kidney transplant recipients, including adult and pediatric, retransplant, and multi-organ recipients.

A line plot for total kidney transplants by diagnosis; the diabetes category increases by 25.1% from 4609 transplants at 2006 to 5765 transplants at 2017; the hypertension category is 3993 transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 4304 transplants at 2017; the gn category is 3506 transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 3848 transplants at 2017; the ckd category increases by 18.3% from 2311 transplants at 2006 to 2735 transplants at 2017; and the other/unknown category increases by 10.7% from 3600 transplants at 2006 to 3986 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 61. Total kidney transplants by diagnosis
All kidney transplant recipients, including adult and pediatric, retransplant, and multi-organ recipients. GN, glomerulonephritis; CKD, cystic kidney disease.

A line plot for kidney transplants by kidney donor profile index (kdpi); the kdpi  less than or equal to  20% category is 25.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 22.6 percent at 2017; the kdpi 21 to 34% category increases by 10.2% from 14.6 percent at 2006 to 16.1 percent at 2017; the kdpi 35 to 85% category is 49.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 53.6 percent at 2017; the kdpi  greater than  85% category decreases by 29.1% from 11 percent at 2006 to 7.8 percent at 2017; and the kdpi missing category decreases by 100.0% from 0 percent at 2006 to 0 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 62. Kidney transplants by kidney donor profile index (KDPI)
All adult recipients of deceased donor kidneys, including multi-organ transplants. The reference population for the KDRI to KDPI conversion is all deceased donor kidneys recovered for transplant in the US in 2016. Kidneys recovered en-bloc are counted once. KDPI, kidney donor profile index; KDRI, kidney donor risk index.

A line plot for induction agent use in adult kidney transplant recipients; the il2 to ra category decreases by 24.1% from 27 percent at 2006 to 20.5 percent at 2017; the t to cell depleting category increases by 36.3% from 53.8 percent at 2006 to 73.3 percent at 2017; and the none category decreases by 57.7% from 22.3 percent at 2006 to 9.4 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 63. Induction agent use in adult kidney transplant recipients
Immunosuppression at transplant reported to the OPTN. IL2-RA, interleukin-2 receptor antagonist.

A line plot for immunosuppression regimen use in adult kidney transplant recipients; the tac mmf steroid category increases by 27.3% from 48.8 percent at 2006 to 62.1 percent at 2017; the tac mmf category increases by 22.4% from 24.4 percent at 2006 to 29.9 percent at 2017; the tac steroid category decreases by 40.8% from 1.4 percent at 2006 to 0.9 percent at 2017; the other category decreases by 71.2% from 23.9 percent at 2006 to 6.9 percent at 2017; and the none reported category decreases by 83.7% from 1.4 percent at 2006 to 0.2 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 64. Immunosuppression regimen use in adult kidney transplant recipients
Immunosuppression regimen at transplant reported to the OPTN. Tac, tacrolimus. MMF, mycophenolate mofetil.

A line plot for c/pra at time of kidney transplant in adult deceased donor recipients; the  less than  1% category increases by 26.8% from 43.2 percent at 2006 to 54.7 percent at 2017; the 1 to less than  20% category decreases by 64.6% from 26.8 percent at 2006 to 9.5 percent at 2017; the 20 to less than  80% category is 16.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 16.4 percent at 2017; the 80 to less than  98% category is 8.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 8.8 percent at 2017; the 98 to 100% category increases by 125.3% from 4.7 percent at 2006 to 10.6 percent at 2017; and the unknown category decreases by 94.1% from 0.1 percent at 2006 to 0 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 65. C/PRA at time of kidney transplant in adult deceased donor recipients
From December 5, 2007, through September 30, 2009, CPRA was used if greater than 0; otherwise, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used. Before December 5, 2007, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used unconditionally. CPRA is used after September 30, 2009, unless it is missing; if it is missing, the maximum pretransplant PRA is used. Kidney-alone transplants only.

A line plot for c/pra at time of kidney transplant in adult living donor recipients; the  less than  1% category increases by 24.7% from 57.2 percent at 2006 to 71.3 percent at 2017; the 1 to less than  20% category decreases by 53.7% from 22.4 percent at 2006 to 10.4 percent at 2017; the 20 to less than  80% category is 12.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 13.9 percent at 2017; the 80 to less than  98% category is 3.4 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 3.2 percent at 2017; the 98 to 100% category decreases by 46.1% from 1.9 percent at 2006 to 1 percent at 2017; and the unknown category decreases by 94.8% from 2.1 percent at 2006 to 0.1 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 66. C/PRA at time of kidney transplant in adult living donor recipients
From December 5, 2007, through September 30, 2009, CPRA was used if greater than 0; otherwise, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used. Before December 5, 2007, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used unconditionally. CPRA is used after September 30, 2009, unless it is missing; if it is missing, the maximum pretransplant PRA is used. Kidney-alone transplants only.

A bar plot for total hla a, b, and dr mismatches among adult kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017, the 0 group is 5.47 percent; the 1 group is 1.37 percent; the 2 group is 4.76 percent; the 3 group is 13.60 percent; the 4 group is 27.09 percent; the 5 group is 31.55 percent; the 6 group is 15.56 percent; and the unk. group is 0.58 percent.

Figure KI 67. Total HLA A, B, and DR mismatches among adult kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017
Donor and recipient antigen matching is based on OPTN antigen values and split equivalences policy as of 2016.

A line plot for annual adult kidney transplant center volumes, by percentile; the 5th category is 2 transplants per center at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 2 transplants per center at 2017; the 25th category decreases by 21.3% from 30.5 transplants per center at 2006 to 24 transplants per center at 2017; the median category increases by 15.6% from 54.5 transplants per center at 2006 to 63 transplants per center at 2017; the 75th category increases by 30.0% from 100 transplants per center at 2006 to 130 transplants per center at 2017; and the 95th category increases by 13.2% from 234 transplants per center at 2006 to 265 transplants per center at 2017.

Figure KI 68. Annual adult kidney transplant center volumes, by percentile
Annual volume data are limited to recipients aged 18 or older.

A line plot for distribution of adult kidney transplants by annual center volume; the 1 to 29 category is 3.9 percent of transplants at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 3.6 percent of transplants at 2017; the 30 to 119 category decreases by 31.6% from 50.4 percent of transplants at 2006 to 34.5 percent of transplants at 2017; the 120 to 249 category increases by 28.1% from 31.9 percent of transplants at 2006 to 40.9 percent of transplants at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 250 category increases by 53.1% from 13.7 percent of transplants at 2006 to 21 percent of transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 69. Distribution of adult kidney transplants by annual center volume
Based on annual volume data among recipients aged 18 or older.

A line plot for graft failure among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 53.3% from 9.2 percent at 2000 to 4.3 percent at 2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 53.0% from 12.6 percent at 2000 to 5.9 percent at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 41.9% from 23.2 percent at 2000 to 13.5 percent at 2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 33.4% from 34.2 percent at 2000 to 22.7 percent at 2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 13.4% from 57.6 percent at 2000 to 49.9 percent at 2007.

Figure KI 70. Graft failure among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. All-cause graft failure (GF) is defined as any of the prior outcomes prior to 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years, respectively.

A line plot for death-censored graft failure among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 57.1% from 5.6 percent at 2000 to 2.4 percent at 2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 58.0% from 7.3 percent at 2000 to 3.1 percent at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 53.2% from 13.8 percent at 2000 to 6.4 percent at 2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 42.1% from 19.8 percent at 2000 to 11.4 percent at 2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 20.4% from 31.5 percent at 2000 to 25.1 percent at 2007.

Figure KI 71. Death-censored graft failure among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death-censored graft failure (DCGF) is defined as a return to dialysis, reported graft failure, or kidney retransplant.

A line plot for death with function among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 47.4% from 3.6 percent at 2000 to 1.9 percent at 2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 46.1% from 5.3 percent at 2000 to 2.8 percent at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 25.3% from 9.4 percent at 2000 to 7 percent at 2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 21.6% from 14.4 percent at 2000 to 11.3 percent at 2012; and the 10 to year category is 26.1 percent at 2000 and remains relatively constant with a value of 24.8 percent at 2007.

Figure KI 72. Death with function among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death with function (DWF) is defined as death without prior graft failure, return to dialysis, or retransplant.

A line plot for graft failure among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 64.6% from 3.9 percent at 2000 to 1.4 percent at 2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 64.5% from 5.9 percent at 2000 to 2.1 percent at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 48.3% from 12.9 percent at 2000 to 6.7 percent at 2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 35.8% from 20.4 percent at 2000 to 13.1 percent at 2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 15.6% from 40.4 percent at 2000 to 34.1 percent at 2007.

Figure KI 73. Graft failure among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. All-cause graft failure (GF) is defined as any of the prior outcomes prior to 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years, respectively.

A line plot for death-censored graft failure among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 68.6% from 2.7 percent at 2000 to 0.9 percent at 2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 70.1% from 3.7 percent at 2000 to 1.1 percent at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 55.4% from 7.8 percent at 2000 to 3.5 percent at 2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 41.8% from 12 percent at 2000 to 7 percent at 2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 21.6% from 23.3 percent at 2000 to 18.3 percent at 2007.

Figure KI 74. Death-censored graft failure among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death-censored graft failure (DCGF) is defined as a return to dialysis, reported graft failure, or kidney retransplant.

A line plot for death with function among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 55.9% from 1.2 percent at 2000 to 0.5 percent at 2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 55.1% from 2.2 percent at 2000 to 1 percent at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 37.7% from 5.2 percent at 2000 to 3.2 percent at 2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 27.1% from 8.3 percent at 2000 to 6.1 percent at 2012; and the 10 to year category is 17.1 percent at 2000 and remains relatively constant with a value of 15.8 percent at 2007.

Figure KI 75. Death with function among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death with function (DWF) is defined as death without prior graft failure, return to dialysis, or retransplant.

A line plot for graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis; the diabetes category decreases by 23.9% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 76.1 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the hypertension category decreases by 23.5% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 76.5 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the gn category decreases by 19.9% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 80.1 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the ckd category decreases by 17.0% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 83 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the other category decreases by 22.8% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 77.2 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 76. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. CKD, cystic kidney disease; GN, glomerulonephritis.

A line plot for graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by kdpi; the kdpi  less than or equal to  20% category decreases by 16.9% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 83.1 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the kdpi 21 to 34% category decreases by 19.1% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 80.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the kdpi 35 to 85% category decreases by 23.0% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 77 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the kdpi  greater than  85% category decreases by 36.5% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 63.5 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 77. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by KDPI
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. The reference population for the KDRI to KDPI conversion is all deceased donor kidneys recovered for transplant in the US in 2017. KDPI, kidney donor profile index.

A line plot for graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by dcd status; the dbd category decreases by 22.2% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 77.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the dcd category decreases by 22.6% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 77.4 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 78. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by DCD status
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. DCD, donation after circulatory death; DBD, donation after brain death.

A line plot for graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by biopsy status; the biopsied category decreases by 25.8% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 74.2 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the not to biopsied category decreases by 19.4% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 80.6 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 79. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by biopsy status
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods.

A line plot for graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence; the metrolitan category decreases by 22.2% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 77.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the non to metropolitan category decreases by 23.1% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 76.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 80. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients

Figure KI 81. Graft survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered. Distance is between the zipcode centroids of the TX center and the recipient's permanent residence, measured in nautical miles (NM).

A line plot for graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age; the 18 to 34 category decreases by 14.3% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 85.7 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 35 to 49 category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 90 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 50 to 64 category decreases by 11.9% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 88.1 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the  greater than or equal to 65 category decreases by 20.4% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 79.6 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the all category decreases by 13.0% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 87 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 82. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods.

A line plot for graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by race; the white category decreases by 12.7% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 87.3 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the black category decreases by 16.9% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 83.1 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the hispanic category decreases by 12.0% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 88 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the asian category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 90.2 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the other/unknown category decreases by 14.5% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 85.5 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 83. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by race
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods.

A line plot for graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis; the diabetes category decreases by 17.8% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 82.2 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the hypertension category decreases by 14.5% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 85.5 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the gn category decreases by 11.1% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 88.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the ckd category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 92.6 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the other category decreases by 13.4% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 86.6 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 84. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. CKD, cystic kidney disease; GN, glomerulonephritis.

A line plot for graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence; the metropolitan category decreases by 13.3% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 86.7 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the non to metropolitan category decreases by 12.2% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 87.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 85. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients

Figure KI 86. Graft survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered. Distance is between the zipcode centroids of the TX center and the recipient's permanent residence, measured in nautical miles (NM).

A line plot for distribution of egfr at 6 months posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients; the 0 to less than  30 category decreases by 17.7% from 5.7 percent at 2006 to 4.7 percent at 2017; the 30 to less than  45 category is 19.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 17.6 percent at 2017; the 45 to less than  60 category decreases by 10.2% from 31.8 percent at 2006 to 28.5 percent at 2017; the 60 to less than  90 category is 36.2 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 39.5 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to  90 category increases by 35.3% from 7.2 percent at 2006 to 9.7 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 87. Distribution of eGFR at 6 months posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients
GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) estimated using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemioogy Collaboration equation, and computed for patients alive with graft function at 6 months posttransplant.

A line plot for recipients alive with a functioning kidney graft on june 30 of the year, by age at transplant; the  less than  18 category increases by 44.9% from 7.8 patients (in thousands) at 2006 to 11.2 patients (in thousands) at 2017; the 18 to 49 category increases by 36.5% from 80.3 patients (in thousands) at 2006 to 109.6 patients (in thousands) at 2017; the  greater than or equal to  50 category increases by 93.0% from 51.8 patients (in thousands) at 2006 to 100 patients (in thousands) at 2017; and the all category increases by 57.9% from 139.8 patients (in thousands) at 2006 to 220.8 patients (in thousands) at 2017.

Figure KI 88. Recipients alive with a functioning kidney graft on June 30 of the year, by age at transplant
Recipients are assumed to be alive with function unless a death or graft failure is recorded. A recipient may experience a graft failure and be removed from the cohort, undergo retransplant, and re-enter the cohort.

A bar plot for incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients by age, 2015-2016, the 18-34 group is 12.93 percent; the 35-49 group is 9.69 percent; the 50-64 group is 7.82 percent; the >= 65 group is 7.62 percent; and the all group is 9.01 percent.

Figure KI 89. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients by age, 2015-2016
Acute rejection is defined as a record of acute or hyperacute rejection, as reported on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration or Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form. Only the first rejection event is counted. Cumulative incidence is estimated using the Kaplan-Meier competing risk method.

A bar plot for incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients by induction status, 2015-2016, the il2-ra group is 11.36 percent; the tcd group is 8.39 percent; and the no agents group is 8.75 percent.

Figure KI 90. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among adult kidney transplant recipients by induction status, 2015-2016
Acute rejection is defined as a record of acute or hyperacute rejection, as reported on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration or Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form. Only the first rejection event is counted. Cumulative incidence is estimated using the Kaplan-Meier competing risk method. If a recipient used both IL-2-RA and TCD agents, s/he will contribute to both of those cumulative incidence estimates.

A line plot for posttransplant diabetes among adult kidney transplant recipients; the 1 to year category decreases by 59.9% from 9.7 percent of patients at 2007 to 3.9 percent of patients at 2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 48.1% from 13.8 percent of patients at 2007 to 7.2 percent of patients at 2014; and the 5 to year category decreases by 36.6% from 15.8 percent of patients at 2007 to 10 percent of patients at 2012.

Figure KI 91. Posttransplant diabetes among adult kidney transplant recipients
Percentage of adult deceased donor kidney recipients who were nondiabetic at transplant and developed diabetes posttransplant. Posttransplant diabetes is reported on the Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form. Death and graft failure are treated as competing events.

A line plot for posttransplant diabetes within 1 year among adult kidney transplant recipients by bmi at transplant; the  less than  25 kg/m2 category decreases by 67.4% from 7.8 percent of patients at 2007 to 2.5 percent of patients at 2016; the 25  to less than  35 category decreases by 53.5% from 10.2 percent of patients at 2007 to 4.7 percent of patients at 2016; and the  greater than or equal to  35 category decreases by 66.3% from 14.7 percent of patients at 2007 to 5 percent of patients at 2016.

Figure KI 92. Posttransplant diabetes within 1 year among adult kidney transplant recipients by BMI at transplant
Percentage of adult deceased donor kidney recipients who were nondiabetic at transplant and developed diabetes posttransplant. Posttransplant diabetes is reported on the Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form. Death and graft failure are treated as competing events.

A line plot for incidence of ptld among adult kidney transplant recipients by recipient ebv status at transplant, 2011-2015; the ebv to  category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the ebv+ category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the ebv unknown category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant; and the all category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant.

Figure KI 93. Incidence of PTLD among adult kidney transplant recipients by recipient EBV status at transplant, 2011-2015
Cumulative incidence is estimated using the Kaplan-Meier competing risk method. PTLD is identified as a reported complication or cause of death on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form or the Posttransplant Malignancy Form as polymorphic PTLD, monomorphic PTLD, or Hodgkin disease. Only the earliest date of PTLD diagnosis is considered. EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; PTLD, posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder.

A line plot for patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age; the 18 to 34 category is 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 96.5 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the 35 to 49 category is 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 94.4 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the 50 to 64 category decreases by 12.1% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 87.9 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the  greater than or equal to 65 category decreases by 23.6% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 76.4 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; and the all category decreases by 11.6% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 88.4 percent at 60 Months posttransplant.

Figure KI 94. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis; the diabetes category decreases by 14.5% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 85.5 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the hypertension category decreases by 11.6% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 88.4 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the gn category is 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 92.4 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the ckd category is 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 92 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; and the other category decreases by 11.9% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 88.1 percent at 60 Months posttransplant.

Figure KI 95. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered. CKD, cystic kidney disease; GN, glomerulonephritis.

A line plot for patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by kdpi; the kdpi  less than or equal to 20% category is 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 91.4 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the kdpi 21 to 34% category is 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 90.7 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the kdpi 35 to 85% category decreases by 12.3% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 87.7 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; and the kdpi  greater than 85% category decreases by 19.9% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 80.1 percent at 60 Months posttransplant.

Figure KI 96. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by KDPI
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered. The reference population for the KDRI to KDPI conversion is all deceased donor kidneys recovered for transplant in the US in 2016. KDPI, kidney donor profile index.

A line plot for patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by biopsy status; the biopsied category decreases by 14.1% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 85.9 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; and the not to biopsied category is 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 90.4 percent at 60 Months posttransplant.

Figure KI 97. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by biopsy status
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence; the metropolitan category decreases by 11.3% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 88.7 percent at 60 Months posttransplant; and the non to metropolitan category decreases by 13.7% from 100 percent at 0 Months posttransplant to 86.3 percent at 60 Months posttransplant.

Figure KI 98. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients

Figure KI 99. Patient survival among adult deceased donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered. Distance is between the zipcode centroids of the TX center and the recipient's permanent residence, measured in nautical miles (NM).

A line plot for patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age; the 18 to 34 category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 97.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 35 to 49 category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 96.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 50 to 64 category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 93.1 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the  greater than or equal to 65 category decreases by 16.4% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 83.6 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the all category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 93.7 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 100. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by age
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis; the diabetes category decreases by 12.0% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 88 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the hypertension category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 93.6 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the gn category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 95.7 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the ckd category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 97.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the other category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 94.5 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 101. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by diagnosis
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered. CKD, cystic kidney disease; GN, glomerulonephritis.

A line plot for patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by race; the white category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 92.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the black category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 94.6 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the hispanic category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 95.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the asian category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 97.5 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the other/unknown category decreases by 11.1% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 88.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 102. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by race
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence; the metropolitan category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 93.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the non to metropolitan category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 92.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 103. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan recipient residence
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered.

A line plot for patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients

Figure KI 104. Patient survival among adult living donor kidney transplant recipients, 2012, by recipients' distance from transplant center
Patient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. For recipients of more than one transplant during the period, only the first is considered. Distance is between the zipcode centroids of the TX center and the recipient's permanent residence, measured in nautical miles (NM).

A line plot for new pediatric candidates added to the kidney transplant waiting list; the active category decreases by 37.2% from 584 candidates at 2006 to 367 candidates at 2017; the inactive category increases by 132.7% from 278 candidates at 2006 to 647 candidates at 2017; and the all category increases by 17.6% from 862 candidates at 2006 to 1014 candidates at 2017.

Figure KI 105. New pediatric candidates added to the kidney transplant waiting list
A new candidate is one who first joined the list during the given year, without having been listed in a previous year. Previously listed candidates who underwent transplant and subsequently relisted are considered new. Candidates concurrently listed at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive patients are included. Age determined at listing.

A line plot for pediatric candidates listed for kidney transplant on december 31 each year; the active category decreases by 13.3% from 586 candidates at 2006 to 508 candidates at 2017; the inactive category increases by 114.7% from 497 candidates at 2006 to 1067 candidates at 2017; and the all category increases by 45.4% from 1083 candidates at 2006 to 1575 candidates at 2017.

Figure KI 106. Pediatric candidates listed for kidney transplant on December 31 each year
Candidates concurrently listed at multiple centers are counted once. Those with concurrent listings and active at any program are considered active. Active status is determined on day 7 after first listing; age determined at first listing.

A line plot for distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by age; the  less than  1 category decreases by 60.9% from 1.1 percent at 2006 to 0.4 percent at 2017; the 1 to 5 category increases by 60.3% from 12 percent at 2006 to 19.2 percent at 2017; the 6 to 10 category is 13.3 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 14.5 percent at 2017; and the 11 to 17 category decreases by 10.5% from 73.6 percent at 2006 to 65.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 107. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by age
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Age is determined at the later of listing date or January 1 of the given year. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by race; the white category is 40.4 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 41.2 percent at 2017; the black category decreases by 16.1% from 25.9 percent at 2006 to 21.8 percent at 2017; the hispanic category is 27.7 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 29.3 percent at 2017; the asian category increases by 29.2% from 3.8 percent at 2006 to 4.9 percent at 2017; and the other/unknown category increases by 31.5% from 2.2 percent at 2006 to 2.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 108. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by race
Candidates waiting for transplant any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by diagnosis; the fsgs category is 12.9 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 12.2 percent at 2017; the gn category decreases by 37.6% from 14.7 percent at 2006 to 9.1 percent at 2017; the cakut category increases by 33.8% from 24.7 percent at 2006 to 33.1 percent at 2017; and the other/unknown category is 47.7 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 45.6 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 109. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by diagnosis
Candidates waiting for transplant any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Diagnosis categories follow North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies recommendations. Active and inactive candidates are included. FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN, glomerulonephritis; CAKUT, congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.

A line plot for distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by sex; the male category is 58.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 59.3 percent at 2017; and the female category is 41.5 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 40.7 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 110. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by sex
Candidates waiting for transplant any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Active and inactive patients are included.

A line plot for distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by waiting time; the  less than  1 year category decreases by 10.6% from 55.1 percent at 2006 to 49.3 percent at 2017; the 1 to less than  2 category is 17.8 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 17.9 percent at 2017; the 2 to less than  4 category increases by 16.5% from 14.9 percent at 2006 to 17.3 percent at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to  4 category increases by 26.9% from 12.2 percent at 2006 to 15.4 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 111. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by waiting time
Candidates waiting for transplant any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. Time on the waiting list is determined at the earlier of December 31 or removal from the waiting list. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A line plot for distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by c/pra; the  less than  1% category increases by 14.4% from 53.4 percent at 2006 to 61.1 percent at 2017; the 1 to less than  20% category decreases by 32.7% from 14.7 percent at 2006 to 9.9 percent at 2017; the 20 to less than  80% category increases by 14.8% from 13.9 percent at 2006 to 15.9 percent at 2017; and the 80 to 100% category decreases by 27.4% from 18.1 percent at 2006 to 13.2 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 112. Distribution of pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by C/PRA
Candidates waiting for transplant at any time in the given year. Candidates listed concurrently at multiple centers are counted once. From December 5, 2007, through September 30, 2009, CPRA was used if greater than 0; otherwise, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used. Before December 5, 2007, the maximum pretransplant PRA was used unconditionally. CPRA is used after September 30, 2009. C/PRA is the highest value during the year. Active and inactive candidates are included.

A bar plot for primary cause of esrd in pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by age, 2011-2015, the < 6 group is 4.00 percent; the 6-10 group is 11.43 percent; and the 11-17 group is 14.68 percent.

Figure KI 113. Primary cause of ESRD in pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant by age, 2011-2015
Candidates who joined the list 2011-2015. Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once. Patients who were listed, underwent transplant, and were relisted during the time period are counted more than once. Age is computed at earliest listing date. FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN, glomerulonephritis; CAKUT, congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.

A line plot for three-year outcomes for newly listed pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant, 2014; the still waiting category decreases by 84.6% from 99.8 percent at 0 Months postlisting to 15.4 percent at 36 Months postlisting; the removed from list category is 0 percent at 0 Months postlisting and is percent at 36 Months postlisting; the died category is 0 percent at 0 Months postlisting and is percent at 36 Months postlisting; the dd transplant category is 0 percent at 0 Months postlisting and is percent at 36 Months postlisting; and the ld transplant category increases by 11550.0% from 0.2 percent at 0 Months postlisting to 23.3 percent at 36 Months postlisting.

Figure KI 114. Three-year outcomes for newly listed pediatric candidates waiting for kidney transplant, 2014
Pediatric candidates who joined the waitlist in 2014. Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal. DD, deceased donor; LD, living donor.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by age; the  less than 6 category decreases by 48.2% from 84.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 43.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 6 to 10 category decreases by 49.1% from 70.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 36.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 11 to 17 category decreases by 24.8% from 73.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 55.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the  greater than or equal to 18 category decreases by 26.7% from 22.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 16.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the all pediatrics category decreases by 35.6% from 62.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 40.4 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 115. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by age
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of waiting in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Age is determined at the later of listing date or January 1 of the given year. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown. The age category 18 years or older includes candidates listed when pediatrics but still on the list in the given year.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by c/pra; the  less than 1% category decreases by 46.1% from 81.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 44 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 1 to less than 20% category decreases by 50.4% from 84.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 42.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 20 to less than 80% category is 40.4 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 43.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 80 to less than 98% category increases by 77.8% from 14.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 25.4 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the 98 to 100% category increases by 20.7% from 12.3 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 14.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 116. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by C/PRA
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of waiting in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence; the metropolitan category decreases by 37.4% from 63.5 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 39.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the non to metropolitan category decreases by 23.3% from 60.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 46.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 117. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of waiting in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by distance from listing center; the 0 to less than 50 nm category decreases by 38.0% from 65.2 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 40.4 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 50 to less than 100 category decreases by 36.3% from 61.4 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 39.1 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; the 100 to less than 250 category decreases by 27.3% from 61.8 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 44.9 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017; and the  greater than or equal to 250 category decreases by 32.0% from 46.6 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 31.7 transplants per 100 waitlist years at 2017.

Figure KI 118. Deceased donor kidney transplant rates among pediatric waitlist candidates by distance from listing center
Transplant rates are computed as the number of deceased donor transplants per 100 patient-years of waiting in a given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown. Distance is between the zipcode centroids of the TX center and the recipient's permanent residence, measured in nautical miles (NM).

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by age; the  less than 6 category decreases by 75.4% from 8.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006-2007 to 2 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016-2017; the 6 to 10 category increases by 102.8% from 1 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006-2007 to 2 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016-2017; the 11 to 17 category decreases by 53.0% from 1.9 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006-2007 to 0.9 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016-2017; and the all category decreases by 25.5% from 2.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006-2007 to 2 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016-2017.

Figure KI 119. Pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by age
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Age is determined at the later of listing date or January 1 of the given year. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence; the metropolitan category decreases by 31.3% from 2.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 1.8 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016; and the non to metropolitan category increases by 68.8% from 2.1 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 3.5 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016.

Figure KI 120. Pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by metropolitan vs. non-metropolitan residence
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown.

A line plot for pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by distance from listing center; the 0 to less than 50 nm category decreases by 35.8% from 2.6 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 1.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016; the 50 to less than 100 category is 1.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 1.7 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016; the 100 to less than 250 category increases by 38.3% from 2.4 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 3.3 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016; and the  greater than or equal to 250 category decreases by 53.8% from 9 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2006 to 4.2 deaths per 100 waitlist years at 2016.

Figure KI 121. Pretransplant mortality rates among pediatrics waitlisted for kidney transplant by distance from listing center
Mortality rates are computed as the number of deaths per 100 patient-years of waiting in the given year. Waiting time is censored at transplant, death, transfer to another program, removal because of improved condition, or end of cohort. Individual listings are counted separately. Rates with less than 10 patient-years of exposure or fewer than 20 candidates at risk are not shown. Distance is between the zipcode centroids of the TX center and the recipient's permanent residence, measured in nautical miles (NM).

A line plot for pediatric kidney transplants by donor type; the deceased donor category decreases by 12.3% from 585 transplants at 2006 to 513 transplants at 2017; the living donor category decreases by 24.1% from 311 transplants at 2006 to 236 transplants at 2017; and the all category decreases by 16.4% from 896 transplants at 2006 to 749 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 122. Pediatric kidney transplants by donor type
All pediatric kidney transplant recipients, including retransplant, and multi-organ recipients.

A line plot for pediatric kidney transplants from living donors by relation; the related category decreases by 42.3% from 246 transplants at 2006 to 142 transplants at 2017; the distantly related category decreases by 15.2% from 33 transplants at 2006 to 28 transplants at 2017; the unrelated directed category increases by 92.9% from 28 transplants at 2006 to 54 transplants at 2017; and the other category increases by 200.0% from 4 transplants at 2006 to 12 transplants at 2017.

Figure KI 123. Pediatric kidney transplants from living donors by relation
Relationship of living donor to recipient is as indicated on the OPTN Living Donor Registration Form.

A line plot for percent of pediatric kidney transplants from living donors by recipient age; the  less than 6 category decreases by 17.9% from 50.3 percent at 2006 to 41.3 percent at 2017; the 6 to 10 category is 35.8 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 36.6 percent at 2017; and the 11 to 17 category decreases by 13.8% from 30.1 percent at 2006 to 25.9 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 124. Percent of pediatric kidney transplants from living donors by recipient age
All pediatric living kidney transplant recipients, including retransplant, and multi-organ recipients.

A line plot for number of centers performing pediatric and adult kidney transplants by center

Figure KI 125. Number of centers performing pediatric and adult kidney transplants by center's age mix
Adult centers transplanted only recipients aged 18 years or older. Functionally adult centers transplant 80% adults or more, and the remainder were children aged 15-17 years. Mixed included adults and children of any age groups. Child only centers transplanted recipeints aged 0-17 years, and small number of adults up to age 21 years.

A line plot for pediatric kidney recipients at programs that perform 5 or fewer pediatric transplants annually; the age less than 10 category increases by 17.0% from 5 percent at 2006 to 5.9 percent at 2017; the age less than 15 category increases by 27.3% from 10.4 percent at 2006 to 13.2 percent at 2017; and the age less than 18 category increases by 11.1% from 20.3 percent at 2006 to 22.6 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 126. Pediatric kidney recipients at programs that perform 5 or fewer pediatric transplants annually
Age groups are cumulative.

A line plot for induction agent use in pediatric kidney transplant recipients; the il2 to ra category decreases by 24.1% from 44.5 percent at 2006 to 33.8 percent at 2017; the t to cell depleting category increases by 68.0% from 39.2 percent at 2006 to 65.9 percent at 2017; and the none category decreases by 76.2% from 19.8 percent at 2006 to 4.7 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 127. Induction agent use in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Immunosuppression at transplant reported to the OPTN. IL2-RA, interleukin-2 receptor antagonist.

A line plot for immunosuppression regimen use in pediatric kidney transplant recipients; the tac mmf steroid category is 54.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 57.6 percent at 2017; the tac mmf category increases by 45.3% from 22.6 percent at 2006 to 32.9 percent at 2017; the tac steroid category decreases by 79.0% from 2.1 percent at 2006 to 0.4 percent at 2017; the other category decreases by 55.6% from 19.5 percent at 2006 to 8.7 percent at 2017; and the none reported category decreases by 74.5% from 1.7 percent at 2006 to 0.4 percent at 2017.

Figure KI 128. Immunosuppression regimen use in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Immunosuppression regimen at transplant reported to the OPTN. Tac, tacrolimus. MMF, mycophenolate mofetil.

A bar plot for induction use by c/pra among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017, the 0% group is 37.96 percent; the 1-19% group is 32.84 percent; the 20-79% group is 27.00 percent; the 80-100% group is 15.79 percent; and the unknown group is 22.22 percent.

Figure KI 129. Induction use by C/PRA among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017
IL2-RA, interleukin-2 receptor antagonist.

A bar plot for total hla a, b, and dr mismatches among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017, the 0 group is 2.03 percent; the 1 group is 0.41 percent; the 2 group is 2.57 percent; the 3 group is 11.18 percent; the 4 group is 26.78 percent; the 5 group is 37.25 percent; the 6 group is 19.74 percent; and the unk. group is 0.04 percent.

Figure KI 130. Total HLA A, B, and DR mismatches among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2013-2017
Donor and recipient antigen matching is based on OPTN antigen values and split equivalences policy as of 2016.

A line plot for distribution of egfr at 12 months posttransplant among pediatric kidney-alone transplant recipients; the 0 to less than  30 category decreases by 46.5% from 3.5 percent at 2006 to 1.9 percent at 2016; the 30 to less than  45 category decreases by 29.9% from 10.1 percent at 2006 to 7.1 percent at 2016; the 45 to less than  60 category decreases by 30.1% from 26.2 percent at 2006 to 18.3 percent at 2016; the 60 to less than  90 category is 45.1 percent at 2006 and remains relatively constant with a value of 45 percent at 2016; and the  greater than or equal to  90 category increases by 84.8% from 15 percent at 2006 to 27.7 percent at 2016.

Figure KI 131. Distribution of eGFR at 12 months posttransplant among pediatric kidney-alone transplant recipients
GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) estimated using the bedside Schwartz equation, and computed for patients alive with graft function at 12 months posttransplant. Equation: eGFR = 0.413*Height(cm)/Creatinine (mg/dL).

A line plot for graft failure among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 76.2% from 8.4 percent at 1999-2000 to 2 percent at 2015-2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 79.1% from 11 percent at 1999-2000 to 2.3 percent at 2015-2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 54.5% from 24.4 percent at 1999-2000 to 11.1 percent at 2013-2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 52.2% from 33.9 percent at 1999-2000 to 16.2 percent at 2011-2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 23.0% from 54.1 percent at 1999-2000 to 41.7 percent at 2007-2008.

Figure KI 132. Graft failure among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. All-cause graft failure (GF) is defined as any of the prior outcomes prior to 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years, respectively.

A line plot for death-censored graft failure among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 76.8% from 6.8 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.6 percent at 2015-2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 79.8% from 8.8 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.8 percent at 2015-2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 52.2% from 21.3 percent at 1999-2000 to 10.2 percent at 2013-2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 50.3% from 30.4 percent at 1999-2000 to 15.1 percent at 2011-2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 22.7% from 48.3 percent at 1999-2000 to 37.3 percent at 2007-2008.

Figure KI 133. Death-censored graft failure among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death-censored graft failure (DCGF) is defined as a return to dialysis, reported graft failure, or kidney retransplant.

A line plot for death with function among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 73.4% from 1.6 percent at 1999-2000 to 0.4 percent at 2015-2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 76.3% from 2.2 percent at 1999-2000 to 0.5 percent at 2015-2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 69.7% from 3.2 percent at 1999-2000 to 1 percent at 2013-2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 68.8% from 3.5 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.1 percent at 2011-2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 25.7% from 5.8 percent at 1999-2000 to 4.3 percent at 2007-2008.

Figure KI 134. Death with function among pediatric deceased donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death with function (DWF) is defined as death without prior graft failure, return to dialysis, or retransplant.

A line plot for graft failure among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 68.8% from 4.6 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.4 percent at 2015-2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 65.0% from 5.2 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.8 percent at 2015-2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 60.6% from 12.6 percent at 1999-2000 to 5 percent at 2013-2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 48.4% from 19.7 percent at 1999-2000 to 10.2 percent at 2011-2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 20.3% from 38.3 percent at 1999-2000 to 30.5 percent at 2007-2008.

Figure KI 135. Graft failure among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. All-cause graft failure (GF) is defined as any of the prior outcomes prior to 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years, respectively.

A line plot for death-censored graft failure among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 70.7% from 4.2 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.2 percent at 2015-2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 66.3% from 4.8 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.6 percent at 2015-2016; the 3 to year category decreases by 69.9% from 11.4 percent at 1999-2000 to 3.4 percent at 2013-2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 50.5% from 18.5 percent at 1999-2000 to 9.2 percent at 2011-2012; and the 10 to year category decreases by 22.7% from 35.4 percent at 1999-2000 to 27.3 percent at 2007-2008.

Figure KI 136. Death-censored graft failure among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death-censored graft failure (DCGF) is defined as a return to dialysis, reported graft failure, or kidney retransplant.

A line plot for death with function among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients; the 6 to month category decreases by 49.5% from 0.4 percent at 1999-2000 to 0.2 percent at 2015-2016; the 1 to year category decreases by 49.5% from 0.4 percent at 1999-2000 to 0.2 percent at 2015-2016; the 3 to year category increases by 26.5% from 1.2 percent at 1999-2000 to 1.5 percent at 2013-2014; the 5 to year category decreases by 15.7% from 1.2 percent at 1999-2000 to 1 percent at 2011-2012; and the 10 to year category is 2.9 percent at 1999-2000 and remains relatively constant with a value of 3.2 percent at 2007-2008.

Figure KI 137. Death with function among pediatric living donor kidney-alone transplant recipients
Estimates are unadjusted, computed using Kaplan-Meier competing risk methods. Recipients are followed to the earliest of kidney graft failure; kidney retransplant; return to dialysis; death; or 6 months, 1, 3, 5, or 10 years posttransplant. Death with function (DWF) is defined as death without prior graft failure, return to dialysis, or retransplant.

A line plot for graft survival among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by age and donor type, 2008-2012; the  less than 11, dd category decreases by 13.8% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 86.2 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 11 to 17, dd category decreases by 23.5% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 76.5 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the  less than 11, ld category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 91.4 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 11 to 17, ld category decreases by 16.6% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 83.4 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the all category decreases by 17.2% from 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant to 82.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 138. Graft survival among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by age and donor type, 2008-2012
Graft survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. DD, deceased donor; LD, living donor.

A bar plot for incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by induction status, 2015-2016, the il2-ra group is 11.82 percent; the tcd group is 12.23 percent; and the no agents group is 13.00 percent.

Figure KI 139. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by induction status, 2015-2016
Acute rejection is defined as a record of acute or hyperacute rejection, as reported on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration or Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form. Only the first rejection event is counted. Cumulative incidence is estimated using the Kaplan-Meier competing risk method. If a recipient used both IL-2-RA and TCD agents, s/he will contribute to both of those cumulative incidence estimates.

A bar plot for incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by age, 2015-2016, the < 6 group is 13.54 percent; the 6-10 group is 9.68 percent; the 11-17 group is 12.54 percent; and the all group is 12.22 percent.

Figure KI 140. Incidence of acute rejection by 1 year posttransplant among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by age, 2015-2016
Acute rejection is defined as a record of acute or hyperacute rejection, as reported on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration Form or Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form. Only the first rejection event is counted. Cumulative incidence is estimated using the Kaplan-Meier competing risk method.

A line plot for incidence of ptld among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by recipient ebv status at transplant, 2004-2014; the ebv to  category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the ebv+ category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant; the ebv unknown category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant; and the all category is 0 percent at 0 Months posttransplant and is percent at 60 Months posttransplant.

Figure KI 141. Incidence of PTLD among pediatric kidney transplant recipients by recipient EBV status at transplant, 2004-2014
Cumulative incidence is estimated using the Kaplan-Meier competing risk method. Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is identified as a reported complication or cause of death on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Follow-up Form or on the Posttransplant Malignancy Form as polymorphic PTLD, monomorphic PTLD, or Hodgkin disease. Only the earliest date of PTLD diagnosis is considered. EBV, Epstein-Barr virus.

A line plot for patient survival among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2008-2012, by recipient age and donor type; the  less than 11, dd category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 98 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 11 to 17, dd category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 98 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the  less than 11, ld category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 97.9 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; the 11 to 17, ld category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 98.8 percent at 60 Months post-transplant; and the all category is 100 percent at 0 Months post-transplant and remains relatively constant with a value of 98.2 percent at 60 Months post-transplant.

Figure KI 142. Patient survival among pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2008-2012, by recipient age and donor type
Recipient survival estimated using unadjusted Kaplan-Meier methods. DD, deceased donor; LD, living donor.

Table KI 1 Reasons for inactive status among new adult kidney transplant listings, 2017
Candidates first listed as inactive. Each listing is counted separately. LD, living donor.
Reasons for inactive status N Percent
Candidate work-up incomplete 5205 65.7%
Too sick 619 7.8%
Insurance issues 603 7.6%
Too well 493 6.2%
Weight inappropriate 263 3.3%
Candidate for LD transplant only 263 3.3%
Candidate choice 219 2.8%
Transplant pending 135 1.7%
Medical non-compliance 58 0.7%
Unknown 42 0.5%
Inappropriate substance abuse 19 0.2%
Candidate could not be contacted 5 0.1%
Physician/surgeon unavailable 3 0.0%

Table KI 2 Demographic characteristics of adults on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2017
Candidates waiting for transplant on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017, regardless of first listing date; multiple listings are collapsed.
Characteristic 2007, N 2007, Percent 2012, N 2012, Percent 2017, N 2017, Percent
Age: 18-34 years 7852 10.9% 8836 9.5% 7672 8.3%
Age: 35-49 years 21,892 30.4% 24,857 26.8% 22,663 24.5%
Age: 50-64 years 30,639 42.5% 40,526 43.6% 40,900 44.1%
Age: ≥ 65 years 11,681 16.2% 18,664 20.1% 21,450 23.1%
Sex: Female 30,280 42.0% 37,767 40.7% 36,093 38.9%
Sex: Male 41,784 58.0% 55,116 59.3% 56,592 61.1%
Race/ethnicity: White 28,133 39.0% 35,085 37.8% 33,545 36.2%
Race/ethnicity: Black 25,148 34.9% 31,615 34.0% 30,258 32.6%
Race/ethnicity: Hispanic 12,487 17.3% 17,520 18.9% 18,751 20.2%
Race/ethnicity: Asian 5252 7.3% 7251 7.8% 8569 9.2%
Race/ethnicity: Other/unknown 1044 1.4% 1412 1.5% 1562 1.7%
Geography: Metropolitan 61,408 85.2% 79,953 86.1% 80,795 87.2%
Geography: Non-metro 10,656 14.8% 12,930 13.9% 11,890 12.8%
Distance: < 50 miles 50,133 69.6% 64,294 69.2% 64,331 69.4%
Distance: 50-<100 miles 10,226 14.2% 12,940 13.9% 13,452 14.5%
Distance: 100-<150 miles 4697 6.5% 6230 6.7% 5874 6.3%
Distance: 150-<250 miles 4279 5.9% 5782 6.2% 5540 6.0%
Distance: ≥ 250 miles 1946 2.7% 3057 3.3% 3153 3.4%
Distance: Unknown 783 1.1% 580 0.6% 335 0.4%
All candidates 72,064 100.0% 92,883 100.0% 92,685 100.0%

Table KI 3 Clinical characteristics of adults on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2017
Candidates waiting for transplant on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017, regardless of first listing date; multiple listings are collapsed. CKD, cystic kidney disease; GN, glomerulonephritis. *Diabetes status based on diagnosis and comorbid conditions.
Characteristic 2007, N 2007, Percent 2012, N 2012, Percent 2017, N 2017, Percent
Diagnosis: Diabetes 22,554 31.3% 32,334 34.8% 34,368 37.1%
Diagnosis: Hypertension 17,901 24.8% 23,078 24.8% 20,940 22.6%
Diagnosis: GN 10,707 14.9% 13,059 14.1% 13,040 14.1%
Diagnosis: CKD 5991 8.3% 7702 8.3% 7950 8.6%
Diagnosis: Other 14,911 20.7% 16,710 18.0% 16,387 17.7%
Diabetes* 28,878 40.1% 41,205 44.4% 42,796 46.2%
Blood type: A 20,535 28.5% 26,800 28.9% 26,007 28.1%
Blood type: B 11,661 16.2% 14,837 16.0% 15,296 16.5%
Blood type: AB 2057 2.9% 2658 2.9% 2463 2.7%
Blood type: O 37,811 52.5% 48,588 52.3% 48,919 52.8%
CPRA: < 1% 33,593 46.6% 54,932 59.1% 56,164 60.6%
CPRA: 1-< 20% 13,104 18.2% 8279 8.9% 9072 9.8%
CPRA: 20-< 80% 12,939 18.0% 13,810 14.9% 15,249 16.5%
CPRA: 80-< 98% 6000 8.3% 5920 6.4% 5354 5.8%
CPRA: 98-100% 5028 7.0% 8499 9.2% 6634 7.2%
CPRA: Unknown 1400 1.9% 1443 1.6% 212 0.2%
All candidates 72,064 100.0% 92,883 100.0% 92,685 100.0%

Table KI 4 Listing characteristics of adults on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2017
Candidates waiting for transplant on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017, regardless of first listing date; and multiple listings are collapsed. KDPI, kidney donor profile index. *Prior to 2014, includes willingness to accept expanded criteria donor (ECD) kidney. KDPI >85% is local non-zero HLA mismatch only.
Characteristic 2007, N 2007, Percent 2012, N 2012, Percent 2017, N 2017, Percent
Transplant history: First 60,319 83.7% 79,342 85.4% 81,495 87.9%
Transplant history: Retransplant 11,745 16.3% 13,541 14.6% 11,190 12.1%
Wait time: < 1 year 24,281 33.7% 26,430 28.5% 24,935 26.9%
Wait time: 1-< 2 years 16,663 23.1% 19,976 21.5% 18,608 20.1%
Wait time: 2-< 3 years 11,099 15.4% 15,721 16.9% 14,129 15.2%
Wait time: 3-< 4 years 7187 10.0% 10,894 11.7% 11,188 12.1%
Wait time: 4-< 5 years 4479 6.2% 7018 7.6% 8402 9.1%
Wait time: ≥ 5 years 8355 11.6% 12,844 13.8% 15,423 16.6%
Will accept KDPI*>85% 32,051 44.5% 44,465 47.9% 43,424 46.9%
Tx type: Kidney alone 69,437 96.4% 89,933 96.8% 89,936 97.0%
Tx type: Kidney-pancreas 2206 3.1% 2083 2.2% 1642 1.8%
Tx type: Kidney-liver 348 0.5% 731 0.8% 876 0.9%
Tx type: Kidney-heart 69 0.1% 126 0.1% 207 0.2%
Tx type: Other 4 0.0% 10 0.0% 24 0.0%
All candidates 72,064 100.0% 92,883 100.0% 92,685 100.0%

Table KI 5 Kidney transplant waitlist activity among adults
Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal. Candidates who are listed, undergo transplant, and are relisted are counted more than once. Candidates are not considered to be on the list on the day they are removed; counts on January 1 may differ from counts on December 31 of the prior year. Candidates listed for multi-organ transplants are included.
Waiting list state 2015 2016 2017
Patients at start of year 99,322 98,018 95,658
Patients added during year 30,215 30,854 30,918
Patients removed during year 31,466 33,167 33,891
Patients at end of year 98,071 95,706 92,685

Table KI 6 Removal reason among adult kidney transplant candidates
Removal reason as reported to the OPTN. Candidates with death dates that precede removal dates are assumed to have died waiting.
Removal reason 2015 2016 2017
Deceased donor transplant 12,279 13,501 14,077
Living donor transplant 5331 5334 5536
Transplant outside US 49 77 67
Patient died 4983 4862 4414
Patient refused transplant 518 471 524
Improved, transplant not needed 208 193 212
Too sick for transplant 4078 4345 4505
Other 4020 4384 4556

Table KI 7 Living kidney donor deaths, 2013-2017, by number of days after donation
Living kidney donors. Numbers of deaths reported to OPTN or the Social Security Administration. Donation-related deaths are included in the Medical category.
Cause 0-30 days 31-90 days 91-365 days
Suicide 1 1 1
Accident/homicide 0 0 8
Overdose 0 1 1
Medical 3 0 1
Cancer 0 0 0
Unknown 0 1 0
Total 4 3 11

Table KI 8 Demographic characteristics of adult kidney transplant recipients, 2017
Adult kidney transplant recipients, including retransplants.
Characteristic Deceased, N Deceased, Percent Living, N Living, Percent All, N All, Percent
Age: 18-34 years 1646 11.5% 947 17.0% 2593 13.0%
Age: 35-49 years 3932 27.5% 1589 28.5% 5521 27.8%
Age: 50-64 years 5973 41.7% 2131 38.2% 8104 40.7%
Age: ≥ 65 years 2762 19.3% 909 16.3% 3671 18.5%
Sex: Female 5641 39.4% 2101 37.7% 7742 38.9%
Sex: Male 8672 60.6% 3475 62.3% 12,147 61.1%
Race/ethnicity: White 5620 39.3% 3676 65.9% 9296 46.7%
Race/ethnicity: Black 4677 32.7% 697 12.5% 5374 27.0%
Race/ethnicity: Hispanic 2681 18.7% 806 14.5% 3487 17.5%
Race/ethnicity: Asian 1074 7.5% 350 6.3% 1424 7.2%
Race/ethnicity: Other/unknown 261 1.8% 47 0.8% 308 1.5%
Insurance: Private 3219 22.5% 3142 56.3% 6361 32.0%
Insurance: Medicare 9868 68.9% 2071 37.1% 11,939 60.0%
Insurance: Medicaid 918 6.4% 271 4.9% 1189 6.0%
Insurance: Other government 290 2.0% 74 1.3% 364 1.8%
Insurance: Unknown 18 0.1% 18 0.3% 36 0.2%
Geography: Metropolitan 12,289 85.9% 4758 85.3% 17,047 85.7%
Geography: Non-metro 2024 14.1% 818 14.7% 2842 14.3%
Distance: < 50 miles 9475 66.2% 3677 65.9% 13,152 66.1%
Distance: 50-<100 miles 2246 15.7% 916 16.4% 3162 15.9%
Distance: 100-<150 miles 1095 7.7% 411 7.4% 1506 7.6%
Distance: 150-<250 miles 788 5.5% 280 5.0% 1068 5.4%
Distance: ≥ 250 miles 656 4.6% 262 4.7% 918 4.6%
Distance: Unknown 53 0.4% 30 0.5% 83 0.4%
All recipients 14,313 100.0% 5576 100.0% 19,889 100.0%

Table KI 9 Clinical characteristics of adult kidney transplant recipients, 2017
Adult kidney transplant recipients, including retransplants. CKD, cystic kidney disease; GN, glomerulonephritis.
Characteristic Deceased, N Deceased, Percent Living, N Living, Percent All, N All, Percent
Diagnosis: Diabetes 4512 31.5% 1252 22.5% 5764 29.0%
Diagnosis: Hypertension 3377 23.6% 913 16.4% 4290 21.6%
Diagnosis: GN 2316 16.2% 1392 25.0% 3708 18.6%
Diagnosis: CKD 1421 9.9% 993 17.8% 2414 12.1%
Diagnosis: Other 2687 18.8% 1026 18.4% 3713 18.7%
Blood type: A 5071 35.4% 2214 39.7% 7285 36.6%
Blood type: B 1914 13.4% 738 13.2% 2652 13.3%
Blood type: AB 740 5.2% 231 4.1% 971 4.9%
Blood type: O 6588 46.0% 2393 42.9% 8981 45.2%
Dialysis time: None 1566 10.9% 1834 32.9% 3400 17.1%
Dialysis time: < 1 year 1054 7.4% 1244 22.3% 2298 11.6%
Dialysis time: 1-< 3 years 2663 18.6% 1387 24.9% 4050 20.4%
Dialysis time: 3-< 5 years 2851 19.9% 421 7.6% 3272 16.5%
Dialysis time: ≥ 5 years 6179 43.2% 690 12.4% 6869 34.5%
CPRA: < 1% 8218 57.4% 3976 71.3% 12,194 61.3%
CPRA: 1-< 20% 1337 9.3% 579 10.4% 1916 9.6%
CPRA: 20-< 80% 2256 15.8% 776 13.9% 3032 15.2%
CPRA: 80-< 98% 1151 8.0% 180 3.2% 1331 6.7%
CPRA: 98-100% 1350 9.4% 58 1.0% 1408 7.1%
CPRA: Unknown 1 0.0% 7 0.1% 8 0.0%
All recipients 14,313 100.0% 5576 100.0% 19,889 100.0%

Table KI 10 Transplant characteristics of adult kidney transplant recipients, 2017
Adult kidney transplant recipients, including retransplants. DBD, donation after brain death; DCD, donation after circulatory death; KDPI, kidney donor profile index. DCD status and KDPI scores apply to deceased donor transplants only.
Characteristic Deceased, N Deceased, Percent Living, N Living, Percent All, N All, Percent
Wait time: None (preemptive) 118 0.8% 79 1.4% 197 1.0%
Wait time: < 1 year 5669 39.6% 3496 62.7% 9165 46.1%
Wait time: 1-< 3 years 3720 26.0% 1503 27.0% 5223 26.3%
Wait time: 3-< 5 years 2621 18.3% 382 6.9% 3003 15.1%
Wait time: ≥ 5 years 2185 15.3% 116 2.1% 2301 11.6%
KDPI: ≤ 20% 3230 22.6%
KDPI: 21-34% 2304 16.1%
KDPI: 35-85% 7665 53.6%
KDPI: > 85% 1114 7.8%
DCD status: DBD 11,480 80.2%
DCD status: DCD 2833 19.8%
Transplant history: First 12,573 87.8% 5041 90.4% 17,614 88.6%
Transplant history: Retransplant 1740 12.2% 535 9.6% 2275 11.4%
All recipients 14,313 100.0% 5576 100.0% 19,889 100.0%

Table KI 11 Adult deceased donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017
Donor serology is reported on the OPTN Donor Registration Form and recipient serology on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration Form. There may be multiple fields per serology. Any evidence for a positive serology is treated as positive for that serology. If all fields are unknown, incomplete, or pending, the person is categorized as unknown for that serology; otherwise, serology is assumed negative. CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HB, hepatitis B; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
Donor Recipient CMV EBV HB core HB surf. ant. HCV HIV
D- R- 13.4% 0.6% 82.2% 97.2% 91.4% 94.2%
D- R+ 25.9% 6.3% 8.0% 1.8% 3.9% 1.1%
D- R unk 0.3% 0.8% 6.4% 0.9% 1.2% 4.1%
D+ R- 17.8% 7.7% 2.7% 0.0% 0.6% 0.0%
D+ R+ 41.6% 78.3% 0.6% 0.0% 2.8% 0.0%
D+ R unk 0.5% 6.2% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
D unk R- 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.5%
D unk R+ 0.4% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
D unk R unk 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Table KI 12 Adult living donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017
Donor serology is reported on the OPTN Donor Registration Form and recipient serology on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration Form. There may be multiple fields per serology. Any evidence for a positive serology is treated as positive for that serology. If all fields are unknown, incomplete, or pending, the person is categorized as unknown for that serology; otherwise, serology is assumed negative. CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; HB, hepatitis B; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.
Donor Recipient CMV EBV HB core HB surf. ant. HCV HIV
D- R- 24.9% 1.9% 82.4% 94.9% 95.3% 38.8%
D- R+ 21.1% 7.1% 3.6% 1.1% 1.9% 0.2%
D- R unk 0.2% 0.4% 8.6% 0.9% 1.1% 0.9%
D+ R- 17.2% 7.5% 1.5% 0.5% 0.4% 0.0%
D+ R+ 34.1% 75.9% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
D+ R unk 0.3% 4.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
D unk R- 0.9% 0.4% 2.3% 2.5% 1.1% 57.4%
D unk R+ 1.2% 1.6% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3%
D unk R unk 0.1% 1.3% 1.0% 0.1% 0.1% 2.4%

Table KI 13 Reasons for inactive status among new pediatric kidney transplant listings, 2016
Candidates first listed as inactive. Each listing is counted separately. LD, living donor.
Reasons for inactive status N Percent
Candidate work-up incomplete 346 51.9%
Candidate for LD transplant only 99 14.8%
Too well 98 14.7%
Candidate choice 45 6.7%
Too sick 29 4.3%
Weight inappropriate 17 2.5%
Medical non-compliance 14 2.1%
Insurance issues 12 1.8%
Transplant pending 7 1.0%

Table KI 14 Demographic characteristics of pediatric candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017
Candidates aged younger than 18 years waiting for transplant on December 31 of given year, regardless of first listing date; multiple listings are collapsed. Age calculated at snapshot. Candidates listed as children who turned 18 before the cohort date are excluded.
Characteristic 2007, N 2007, Percent 2012, N 2012, Percent 2017, N 2017, Percent
Age: < 1 year 5 0.6% 5 0.6% 3 0.3%
Age: 1-5 years 127 16.4% 175 20.8% 243 22.9%
Age: 6-10 years 141 18.2% 160 19.0% 236 22.2%
Age: 11-17 years 502 64.8% 502 59.6% 581 54.7%
Sex: Female 333 43.0% 339 40.3% 409 38.5%
Sex: Male 442 57.0% 503 59.7% 654 61.5%
Race/ethnicity: White 316 40.8% 347 41.2% 423 39.8%
Race/ethnicity: Black 177 22.8% 222 26.4% 226 21.3%
Race/ethnicity: Hispanic 247 31.9% 232 27.6% 321 30.2%
Race/ethnicity: Asian 23 3.0% 26 3.1% 68 6.4%
Race/ethnicity: Other/unknown 12 1.5% 15 1.8% 25 2.4%
Geography: Metropolitan 670 86.5% 705 83.7% 913 85.9%
Geography: Non-metro 105 13.5% 137 16.3% 150 14.1%
Distance: < 50 miles 505 65.2% 529 62.8% 680 64.0%
Distance: 50-<100 miles 131 16.9% 130 15.4% 163 15.3%
Distance: 100-<150 miles 59 7.6% 74 8.8% 83 7.8%
Distance: 150-<250 miles 44 5.7% 58 6.9% 79 7.4%
Distance: ≥ 250 miles 30 3.9% 39 4.6% 52 4.9%
Distance: Unknown 6 0.8% 12 1.4% 6 0.6%
All candidates 775 100.0% 842 100.0% 1063 100.0%

Table KI 15 Clinical characteristics of pediatric candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017
Candidates aged younger than 18 years waiting for transplant on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017, regardless of first listing date; multiple listings are collapsed. Candidates listed as children who turned 18 before the cohort date are excluded. FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN, glomerulonephritis; CAKUT, congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.
Characteristic 2007, N 2007, Percent 2012, N 2012, Percent 2017, N 2017, Percent
Diagnosis: FSGS 111 14.3% 77 9.1% 89 8.4%
Diagnosis: GN 76 9.8% 78 9.3% 60 5.6%
Diagnosis: CAKUT 199 25.7% 260 30.9% 400 37.6%
Diagnosis: Other 389 50.2% 427 50.7% 514 48.4%
Blood type: A 237 30.6% 280 33.3% 308 29.0%
Blood type: B 117 15.1% 127 15.1% 186 17.5%
Blood type: AB 26 3.4% 22 2.6% 23 2.2%
Blood type: O 395 51.0% 413 49.0% 546 51.4%
CPRA: < 1% 433 55.9% 541 64.3% 717 67.5%
CPRA: 1-< 20% 98 12.6% 54 6.4% 109 10.3%
CPRA: 20-< 80% 105 13.5% 105 12.5% 139 13.1%
CPRA: 80-< 98% 60 7.7% 64 7.6% 41 3.9%
CPRA: 98-100% 47 6.1% 73 8.7% 56 5.3%
CPRA: Unknown 32 4.1% 5 0.6% 1 0.1%
All candidates 775 100.0% 842 100.0% 1063 100.0%

Table KI 16 Listing characteristics of pediatric candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017
Candidates aged younger than 18 years waiting for transplant on December 31, 2007, December 31, 2012, and December 31, 2017, regardless of first listing date; multiple listings are collapsed. Candidates listed as children who turned 18 before the cohort date are excluded.
Characteristic 2007, N 2007, Percent 2012, N 2012, Percent 2017, N 2017, Percent
Transplant history: First 567 73.2% 647 76.8% 915 86.1%
Transplant history: Retransplant 208 26.8% 195 23.2% 148 13.9%
Wait time: < 1 year 449 57.9% 479 56.9% 605 56.9%
Wait time: 1-< 2 years 165 21.3% 176 20.9% 198 18.6%
Wait time: 2-< 3 years 90 11.6% 75 8.9% 107 10.1%
Wait time: 3-< 4 years 37 4.8% 30 3.6% 64 6.0%
Wait time: 4-< 5 years 22 2.8% 31 3.7% 37 3.5%
Wait time: ≥ 5 years 12 1.5% 51 6.1% 52 4.9%
Tx type: Kidney alone 759 97.9% 819 97.3% 1041 97.9%
Tx type: Kidney-pancreas 1 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
Tx type: Kidney-liver 11 1.4% 17 2.0% 16 1.5%
Tx type: Kidney-heart 3 0.4% 3 0.4% 4 0.4%
Tx type: Other 1 0.1% 3 0.4% 2 0.2%
All candidates 775 100.0% 842 100.0% 1063 100.0%

Table KI 17 Kidney transplant waitlist activity among pediatric candidates
Candidates concurrently listed at more than one center are counted once, from the time of earliest listing to the time of latest removal. Candidates who are listed, undergo transplant, and are relisted are counted more than once. Candidates are not considered to be on the list on the day they are removed; counts on January 1 may differ from counts on December 31 of the prior year. Candidates listed for multi-organ transplants are included.
Waiting list state 2015 2016 2017
Patients at start of year 1485 1516 1497
Patients added during year 977 953 1049
Patients removed during year 946 971 971
Patients at end of year 1516 1498 1575

Table KI 18 Removal reason among pediatric kidney transplant candidates
Removal reason as reported to the OPTN. Candidates with death dates that precede removal dates are assumed to have died waiting.
Removal reason 2015 2016 2017
Deceased donor transplant 586 598 617
Living donor transplant 261 273 255
Transplant outside US 1 0 0
Patient died 20 28 17
Patient refused transplant 2 1 3
Improved, transplant not needed 8 7 6
Too sick for transplant 12 23 15
Other 56 41 58

Table KI 19 Demographic characteristics of pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2015-2017
Kidney transplant recipients, including retransplants.
Characteristic Deceased, N Deceased, Percent Living, N Living, Percent All, N All, Percent
Age: < 1 year 1 0.1% 2 0.3% 3 0.1%
Age: 1-5 years 284 19.3% 222 30.5% 506 23.0%
Age: 6-10 years 285 19.4% 126 17.3% 411 18.7%
Age: 11-17 years 900 61.2% 378 51.9% 1278 58.1%
Sex: Female 639 43.5% 288 39.6% 927 42.2%
Sex: Male 831 56.5% 440 60.4% 1271 57.8%
Race/ethnicity: White 588 40.0% 496 68.1% 1084 49.3%
Race/ethnicity: Black 331 22.5% 69 9.5% 400 18.2%
Race/ethnicity: Hispanic 425 28.9% 124 17.0% 549 25.0%
Race/ethnicity: Asian 79 5.4% 25 3.4% 104 4.7%
Race/ethnicity: Other/unknown 47 3.2% 14 1.9% 61 2.8%
Insurance: Private 394 26.8% 414 56.9% 808 36.8%
Insurance: Medicare 423 28.8% 127 17.4% 550 25.0%
Insurance: Medicaid 542 36.9% 150 20.6% 692 31.5%
Insurance: Other government 91 6.2% 29 4.0% 120 5.5%
Insurance: Unknown 20 1.4% 8 1.1% 28 1.3%
Geography: Metropolitan 1241 84.4% 606 83.2% 1847 84.0%
Geography: Non-metro 229 15.6% 122 16.8% 351 16.0%
Distance: < 50 miles 895 60.9% 437 60.0% 1332 60.6%
Distance: 50-<100 miles 236 16.1% 117 16.1% 353 16.1%
Distance: 100-<150 miles 159 10.8% 61 8.4% 220 10.0%
Distance: 150-<250 miles 105 7.1% 57 7.8% 162 7.4%
Distance: ≥ 250 miles 60 4.1% 46 6.3% 106 4.8%
Distance: Unknown 15 1.0% 10 1.4% 25 1.1%
All recipients 1470 100.0% 728 100.0% 2198 100.0%

Table KI 20 Clinicial characteristics of pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2015-2017
Kidney transplant recipients, including retransplants. Diagnosis categories follow North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies recommendations. FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; GN, glomerulonephritis; CAKUT, congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract.
Characteristic Deceased, N Deceased, Percent Living, N Living, Percent All, N All, Percent
Diagnosis: FSGS 190 12.9% 76 10.4% 266 12.1%
Diagnosis: GN 152 10.3% 61 8.4% 213 9.7%
Diagnosis: CAKUT 497 33.8% 278 38.2% 775 35.3%
Diagnosis: Other 631 42.9% 313 43.0% 944 42.9%
Blood type: A 453 30.8% 274 37.6% 727 33.1%
Blood type: B 178 12.1% 106 14.6% 284 12.9%
Blood type: AB 56 3.8% 27 3.7% 83 3.8%
Blood type: O 783 53.3% 321 44.1% 1104 50.2%
Dialysis time: None 342 23.3% 306 42.0% 648 29.5%
Dialysis time: < 1 year 311 21.2% 179 24.6% 490 22.3%
Dialysis time: 1-< 3 years 494 33.6% 174 23.9% 668 30.4%
Dialysis time: 3-< 5 years 157 10.7% 18 2.5% 175 8.0%
Dialysis time: ≥ 5 years 166 11.3% 51 7.0% 217 9.9%
CPRA: < 1% 1069 72.7% 532 73.1% 1601 72.8%
CPRA: 1-< 20% 137 9.3% 72 9.9% 209 9.5%
CPRA: 20-< 80% 200 13.6% 96 13.2% 296 13.5%
CPRA: 80-< 98% 30 2.0% 13 1.8% 43 2.0%
CPRA: 98-100% 34 2.3% 10 1.4% 44 2.0%
CPRA: Unknown 0 0.0% 5 0.7% 5 0.2%
All recipients 1470 100.0% 728 100.0% 2198 100.0%

Table KI 21 Transplant characteristics of pediatric kidney transplant recipients, 2015-2017
Kidney transplant recipients, including retransplants. DBD, donation after brain death; DCD, donation after circulatory death; DGF, delayed graft function; KDPI, kidney donor profile index. DCD status and KDPI scores apply to deceased donor transplants only.
Characteristic Deceased, N Deceased, Percent Living, N Living, Percent All, N All, Percent
Wait time: None (preemptive) 11 0.7% 51 7.0% 62 2.8%
Wait time: < 1 year 999 68.0% 540 74.2% 1539 70.0%
Wait time: 1-< 3 years 371 25.2% 119 16.3% 490 22.3%
Wait time: 3-< 5 years 72 4.9% 14 1.9% 86 3.9%
Wait time: ≥ 5 years 17 1.2% 4 0.5% 21 1.0%
KDPI: ≤ 20% 1003 68.2%
KDPI: 21-34% 374 25.4%
KDPI: 35-85% 92 6.3%
KDPI: > 85% 1 0.1%
DCD status: DBD 1417 96.4%
DCD status: DCD 53 3.6%
DGF: None 1343 91.4% 703 96.6% 2046 93.1%
DGF: Yes 127 8.6% 25 3.4% 152 6.9%
Tx type: Kidney only 1410 95.9% 728 100.0% 2138 97.3%
Tx type: Kidney-pancreas 1 0.1% 0 0.0% 1 0.0%
Tx type: Kidney-liver 48 3.3% 0 0.0% 48 2.2%
Tx type: Other 11 0.7% 0 0.0% 11 0.5%
Transplant history: First 1338 91.0% 680 93.4% 2018 91.8%
Transplant history: Retransplant 132 9.0% 48 6.6% 180 8.2%
All recipients 1470 100.0% 728 100.0% 2198 100.0%

Table KI 22 Pediatric deceased donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017
Donor serology is reported on the OPTN Donor Registration Form and recipient serology on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration Form. There may be multiple fields per serology. Any evidence for a positive serology is treated as positive for that serology. If all fields are unknown, incomplete, or pending, the person is categorized as unknown for that serology; otherwise, serology is assumed negative. CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus.
Donor Recipient CMV EBV
D- R- 24.7% 4.8%
D- R+ 14.9% 7.2%
D- R unk 0.3% 0.3%
D+ R- 38.4% 36.2%
D+ R+ 20.2% 48.8%
D+ R unk 0.4% 2.5%
D unk R- 0.5% 0.0%
D unk R+ 0.6% 0.1%

Table KI 23 Pediatric living donor kidney donor-recipient serology matching, 2013-2017
Donor serology is reported on the OPTN Donor Registration Form and recipient serology on the OPTN Transplant Recipient Registration Form. There may be multiple fields per serology. Any evidence for a positive serology is treated as positive for that serology. If all fields are unknown, incomplete, or pending, the person is categorized as unknown for that serology; otherwise, serology is assumed negative. CMV, cytomegalovirus; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus.
Donor Recipient CMV EBV
D- R- 38.0% 6.7%
D- R+ 6.7% 3.0%
D- R unk 0.5% 0.2%
D+ R- 30.8% 50.6%
D+ R+ 20.5% 34.4%
D+ R unk 1.0% 2.8%
D unk R- 1.7% 1.3%
D unk R+ 0.8% 0.8%
D unk R unk 0.1% 0.2%