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Data Tables


Section I

1.1U.S. Organ Donors by Organ and Donor Type, 1999 to 2008Table 1.1 (27 k)
1.2Number of Organs Recovered from Deceased Donors, 1999 to 2008Table 1.2 (24 k)
1.3Waiting List at End of Year, 1999 to 2008Table 1.3 (27 k)
1.4Characteristics of Waiting List Patients at End of Year, 1999 to 2008Table 1.4 (38 k)
1.4 Age
1.4 Blood Type
1.4 Residency
1.4 Gender
1.4 Previous Transplant Any Organ
1.4 Race
1.4 Patient Status
1.5Time to Transplant New Waiting List Registrations, 1999 to 2008Table 1.5 (41 k)
1.6Reported Deaths and Annual Death Rates Per 1,000 Patient-Years at Risk Waiting List, 1999 to 2008Table 1.6 (29 k)
1.7Transplants by Organ and Donor Type, 1999 to 2008Table 1.7 (32 k)
1.8Multi-Organ Transplants, 1999 to 2008Table 1.8 (25 k)
1.9aImmunosuppression Use by Organ in 2007 and 2008Table 1.9a (38 k)
1.9bImmunosuppression Use by Organ Maintenance Regimen at Discharge, 2008 TransplantsTable 1.9b (30 k)
1.9cImmunosuppression Use by Organ Maintenance Regimen at One Year Following Transplantation 2007 TransplantsTable 1.9c (30 k)
1.10Transplant Recipient Characteristics, 1999 to 2008Table 1.10 (37 k)
1.10 Blood Type
1.10 Residency
1.10 Gender
1.10 Race
1.10 Age
1.10 Previous Transplant Any Organ
1.10 Payment Source
1.11aOne Year Adjusted Graft Survival by Organ and Year of Transplant, 1998 to 2007Table 1.11a (30 k)
1.11bOne Year Unadjusted Graft Survival by Organ and Year of Transplant, 1998 to 2007Table 1.11b (30 k)
1.12aOne Year Adjusted Patient Survival by Organ and Year of Transplant, 1998 to 2007Table 1.12a (30 k)
1.12bOne Year Unadjusted Patient Survival by Organ and Year of Transplant, 1998 to 2007Table 1.12b (30 k)
1.13Unadjusted Graft and Patient Survival at 3 Months, 1 Year, 3 Years, 5 Years, and 10 Years Standard Errors of the Survival RatesTable 1.13 (37 k)
1.13 Standard Errors of the Survival Rates
1.13 Survival (%)
1.13 Number of Transplants For This Survival Analysis
1.14Prevalence of People Living with a Functioning Transplant at End of Year 1999 to 2007Table 1.14 (20 k)